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reduces a document to a shorter version, retaining key points. extractive summarization selects important content from the source using text summarization

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Used text summarization reduces a document to a shorter version, retaining key points. Extractive summarization selects important content from the source. The XLSum dataset (Punjabi) includes articles and summaries, aiding NLP tool development for underrepresented languages.

NLP Application: Text Summarization

Text summarization is the process of reducing a text document to a shorter version, providing a summary that retains the most important points of the original document. This is particularly useful in an age where information overload is a common challenge.

There are two primary types of text summarization :

  1. Extractive Summarization: This method involves selecting important sentences, paragraphs, or phrases directly from the source document to create a summary. It does not generate new text but rather extracts and compiles existing content.
  2. Abstractive Summarization: This approach involves generating new sentences that convey the most critical information from the original text. It uses advanced machine learning techniques to interpret and paraphrase the content, often resulting in more coherent and concise summaries compared to extractive methods.

Dataset: XLSum (Punjabi Language)

The "csebuetnlp/xlsum" dataset is a comprehensive dataset containing multilingual news articles and their summaries. The dataset includes a wide range of languages and provides a valuable resource for training and evaluating text summarization models.For this project, the XLSum dataset from the data library is used, specifically focusing on the Punjabi language.

Details of the XLSum Dataset:

● Articles: The dataset contains articles written in the Punjabi language, covering a variety of topics from news to general information.

● Summaries: Each article is paired with a summary that captures the essence of the content. These summaries are used as ground truth for training and evaluating the summarization model. ● Language Focus: The use of Punjabi language data is particularly significant for developing NLP tools that support underrepresented languages, enhancing the accessibility and utility of such tools. The dataset provides a valuable resource for training and evaluating summarization models in the Punjabi language, contributing to the broader goal of supporting NLP text summarization.

Transformer Model: T5(Text-To-Text Transfer Transformer)

In this project, we utilized the T5 model, specifically the t5-small checkpoint, to perform text summarization. T5, developed by Google Research, is a versatile transformer model designed to handle a wide range of NLP tasks by converting all tasks into a text-to-text format.

Model Architecture and Features:

● Model Name: T5 (Text-To-Text Transfer Transformer) ● Checkpoint: t5-small ● Parameters: Approximately 60 million parameters ● Architecture: Encoder-Decoder architecture, suitable for sequence-to- sequence tasks ● Preprocessing: The input texts are prefixed with "summarize: " before tokenization to indicate the task.

Tokenization and Preprocessing:

The AutoTokenizer from the Hugging Face transformers library is used for tokenization. The preprocessing function prepares the input texts by adding a "summarize: " prefix and tokenizing both the inputs and the target summaries.

Training Setup:

  1. Optimizer: AdamWeightDecay with a learning rate of 2e-5 and weight decay of 0.01.

  2. Data Collation: Using DataCollatorForSeq2Seq to dynamically pad inputs and outputs during batching.

  3. Training Data: The tokenized dataset is divided into training, validation, and test sets.

  4. Batch Size: 8 for both training and evaluation.

  5. Evaluation Metric: ROUGE (Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation) is used to evaluate the summarization quality.

Optimizer: AdamWeightDecay

To train our model effectively, we used the AdamWeightDecay optimizer. This optimizer is a variant of the Adam optimizer, incorporating weight decay to prevent overfitting. It helps in maintaining a balance between model accuracy and generalization.

Model Training:

The model is compiled and trained using TensorFlow, with the optimizer and data collator set up as described. Training involves feeding the tokenized dataset into the model, computing loss, and updating the model's weights.


The model's performance is evaluated using the ROUGE metric, which measures the overlap between the generated summaries and the reference summaries.


After training the model for 2 epochs, we evaluate its performance using the rouge metric for the 50th entry of test data. The input_text given is the ‘text’ of dataset[‘test’][50].

The results are as follows:

● ROUGE-1 Score: 0.23815098039215686

● ROUGE-2 Score: 0.05604331811023622

● ROUGE-3 Score: 0.1546758823529412

These scores indicate the model's ability to generate summaries that are similar to the reference summaries in terms of n-gram overlay.


reduces a document to a shorter version, retaining key points. extractive summarization selects important content from the source using text summarization







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