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Network operations

After a bootstrap Fabric network is started, you can use the following scripts to make your application and scale.

Create new channel

When the smoke test is executed, the bootstrap network automatically creates a test channel, e.g., mychannel (as configured in the network spec, netop1.env). If can create new channels by using the following script:

# create channel config tx
cd ./msp
# start tool container if not already started
./ start -p netop1
./ channel -p netop1 -c "newchannel"

# create channel in the network
cd ../network
# start fabric network if not already started
./ start -p netop1
./ create-channel -p netop1 -c "newchannel"

This sample creates a channel named newchannel.

Join existing channel

After a channel is created, a peer node can join the channel using the following command:

cd ../network
# start fabric network if not already started
./ start -p netop1
./ join-channel -p netop1 -n peer-0 -c mychannel -a

This sample makes the peer peer-0 to join channel named mychannel. The optional argument -a means to update the anchor peer for the organization, which can be used only if it is the first peer to join the channel.

Install and instantiate new chaincode

To install new chaincode, first copy the chaincode folder to this project's chaincode folder, and then run the following script:

cd ../network
# start fabric network if not already started
./ start -p netop1
./ install-chaincode -p netop1 -n peer-0 -f chaincode_example02/go -s mycc -v 1.0 -a
./ instantiate-chaincode -p netop1 -n peer-0 -c mychannel -s mycc -v 1.0 -m '{"Args":["init","a","100","b","200"]}'

This sample installs the chaincode in folder ./chaincode/chaincode_example02/go on the peer node peer-0 as mycc:1.0, and instantiates it on the channel mychannel. The optional argument -a means to replace the original source code if if already exist in the CLI working folder.

Note that if an older version of the chaincode has already been installed on a peer, you'll have to specify a new version number.

More chaincode related operations include upgrade-chaincode, query-chaincode, and invoke-chaincode. They are described in

Add new peer nodes of the same bootstrap org

Use the following script to scale up number of peer nodes:

# create crypto data for the new peers
cd ./ca
# start ca server/client if they are not already started
./ start -p netop1
./ peer -p netop1 -s 2 -e 4

# scale to 4 peer nodes
cd ../network
./ scale-peer -p netop1 -r 4

This sample assumes that the bootstrap network is already running 2 peer nodes, i.e., peer-0 and peer-1. To scale it to 4 nodes, we first generate the crypto data for peer-2 and peer-3, and then start these 2 more peer nodes.

Add new orderer nodes of the same bootstrap org

When RAFT consensus is used, you can add more orderer nodes to the network. However, as of Fabric release 1.4, it allows you to add only one new consenter at a time. The following script will update the system channel, and add one more orderer node of the same bootstrap org to the network.

# generate crypto for new orderer nodes (assuming 3 orderers already running, i.e., orderer-0, 1, and 2)
cd ./ca
./ start -p netop1
# create crypto for orderer-3 and orderer-4
./ orderer -p netop1 -s 3 -e 5

# pack new consenter and URL info for orderer-3 (fabric does not allow adding multiple consenters in a single transaction)
cd ../msp
./ start -p netop1
./ orderer-config -p netop1 -s 3

# update system channel config to add orderer-3
cd ../network
# Note: ordererConfig-3.json was generated by the previous step
./ add-orderer-tx -p netop1 -f ordererConfig-3.json
# sign and submit the channel update: netop1-channel-update.pb
./ update-channel -p netop1 -f netop1-channel-update.pb -c netop1-channel -a

# scale orderer RAFT cluster to include orderer-3
./ scale-orderer

Note that this 4-step process can be repeated to add more orderer nodes, one at a time. If you need to add more than one orderer, the first step can generate keys for multiple orderers; the second step uses the generated orderer certificate to construct its consenter config, e.g., ordererConfig-3.json for orderer-3, which contains base64 encoding of the orderer certificate; the third step fetches the config of the system channel netop1-channel, and uses jq to add the new consenter, and then update the system channel; the last step will scale the orderer statefulset by adding one more node, and so the new node orderer-3 will start and join the RAFT cluster.

The last argument -a in update-channel is necessary to use an orderer admin to submit the channel update transaction.

We then need to update other application channels, as well, e.g., for mychannel,

cd ./network
./ add-orderer-tx -p netop1 -f ordererConfig-3.json -c mychannel
./ update-channel -p netop1 -f mychannel-update.pb -c mychannel -a

Add new peer org to the same Kubernetes cluster

It involves multiple steps to add a new organization to a running network. However, all steps are scripted to simplify the process.

First, bootstrap and test the network for netop1 as described in

Second, bootstrap network nodes for a new organization, as defined in peerorg1.env, i.e.,

cd ../namespace
./ create -p peerorg1
cd ../ca
./ start -p peerorg1
./ bootstrap -p peerorg1
cd ../msp
./ start -p peerorg1
./ bootstrap -p peerorg1
cd ../network
./ start -p peerorg1

Now, we have Fabric nodes running for both organizations, and we want to set up peers of peerorg1 to join the network of netop1. Following are the steps:

# create new org config by the peerorg1's admin
cd ../msp
./ mspconfig -p peerorg1

# send the resulting config file - peerorg1MSP.json - to netop1 for approval
cp ../ ../

# netop1 admin user approves and updates the channel
cd ../network
# create and join mychannel for netop1 if it has not been done already
./ test -p netop1
# create update transaction for mychannel
./ add-org-tx -p netop1 -o peerorg1MSP -c mychannel
# optionally sign the transaction, which is necessary only if there are more than one active orgs
./ sign-transaction -p netop1 -f mychannel-peerorg1MSP.pb
# update channel config
./ update-channel -p netop1 -f mychannel-peerorg1MSP.pb -c mychannel

# peerog1 can now join mychannel and execute transactions
./ join-channel -p peerorg1 -n peer-0 -c mychannel
./ install-chaincode -p peerorg1 -n peer-0 -f chaincode_example02/go -s mycc -v 1.0 -a
./ query-chaincode -p peerorg1 -n peer-0 -c mychannel -s mycc -m '{"Args":["query","a"]}'

The above sequence of sample commands joined the 4 peer nodes from 2 organizations, netop1 and peerorg1 in the same Fabric network, and executed a query on peer-0 of the new organization peerorg1, which should return the same result as queries on peer nodes of the original organization netop1.

However, the endorsement policy of the sample chaincode has not changed to enable the new organization peerorg1 as an endorser, and thus, peers of peerorg1 cannot invoke transactions to update the blockchain state yet. To enable peerorg1 as an endorser for the sample chaincode, we have to install and upgrade the chaincode to a new version 2.0 with a new endorsement policy as follows:

cd ./network
./ package-chaincode -p peerorg1 -n peer-0 -f chaincode_example02/go -s mycc -v 2.0
./ install-chaincode -p peerorg1 -n peer-0 -f mycc_2.0.cds
./ install-chaincode -p peerorg1 -n peer-1 -f mycc_2.0.cds
# send mycc_2.0.cds to netop1 for installation
cp ../ ../
./ install-chaincode -p netop1 -n peer-0 -f mycc_2.0.cds
./ install-chaincode -p netop1 -n peer-1 -f mycc_2.0.cds
# upgrade chaincode with new endorsement policy
./ upgrade-chaincode -p netop1 -n peer-0 -c mychannel -s mycc -v 2.0 -m '{"Args":["init","a","80","b","220"]}' -e "OR ('netop1MSP.peer','peerorg1MSP.peer')"

# now, both organization can update the state, e.g., try the following:
./ query-chaincode -p peerorg1 -n peer-0 -c mychannel -s mycc -m '{"Args":["query","a"]}'
./ invoke-chaincode -p peerorg1 -n peer-0 -c mychannel -s mycc -m '{"Args":["invoke","a","b","10"]}'
./ query-chaincode -p netop1 -n peer-0 -c mychannel -s mycc -m '{"Args":["query","a"]}'
./ invoke-chaincode -p netop1 -n peer-0 -c mychannel -s mycc -m '{"Args":["invoke","a","b","10"]}'
./ query-chaincode -p peerorg1 -n peer-0 -c mychannel -s mycc -m '{"Args":["query","a"]}'