A tool to synchronize workflows (DAGs) between Codebase, Cloud Storage and Airflow metadata.
$ export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="[PATH]" # https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/reference/libraries#setting_up_authentication
$ trinity --src=DAGS_DIRECTORY --bucket=BUCKET_NAME --composer-env=COMPOSER_ENV_NAME
Note: Since Airflow's REST API is experimental, trinity currently uses the Cloud SDK to access Airflow metadata. Setup and authentication are required in advance.
trinity synchronizes the workflows (DAGs) with the codebase as master.
- Add: Workflows that exist only in the codebase are uploaded to Cloud Storage and registered in Airflow.
- Delete: Workflows that only exist in Cloud Storage will be deleted from Cloud Storage and Airflow.
- Update: Workflows that exist in both the codebase and Cloud Storage are compared for hash values*, and if there is a difference, the Cloud Storage workflow is replaced.
*When trinity is executed, a hash value representing the workflow definition is written to .trinity. This file does not need to be under version control.
└ dags-directory
├ some-workflow.py
├ some-workflow
│ └ requirement-files
├ some-workflow.trinity
├ some-module
│ ├ __init__.py
│ └ some-module.py
└ some-module.trinity
trinity expects a structure in which a .py file representing each workflow exists directly under the dags directory. Local modules can be placed directly under the dags directory.
$ go get github.com/zaimy/trinity/...