- hint boxes
- caution boxes
- Expert interviews
- Hackathon idea worksheet
- Hackathon team worksheet
- Disrupt idea list
- Hack list of API
- Tools for hack
- New technology learning ideas
Fair price model? Sell on learnpub? Enlist People for interviews ✓ Cost of recording audiobook ($1600-$2000) Checkout GTD outline ✓ Hackathon books on amazon ✓ "Hackathon book" > results? Stories in each section/chapter (40% stories) Inspirational images for each section Can we do this like an HTML5 book with parallax stuff? Launch on iBooks? List all possible queries for hackathon related material. Quotes (like GTD) Research "Questions and Actions" at the end of each chapter Cost of cover and copy design Formats to launch on (pdf, epub, ibooks, hardcopy, paperback) Find facebook groups Find IRC groups Find LinkedIn groups Find Google groups Something like: https://hackathon.guide/?
✓ 10 questions the book must answer (search quora) inverted pyramid modeling
- Write Summarised Answers
- create website, blog.
- create personas.
- To talk about y, I need to introduce x, which requires describing d. That’s the logic of the structure
- Can we add hackathon trivia in the end?
- Get testimonials
- Create single page + CTA
- reach out to hackathon organizers to add them in book and get promotion in return.
- Find reviewers
- write "about the reviewers" "policy background" > pitching at code4SF review letsHack on medium for read ratio calculation!
Start a blog/quora writing now. Set followership target. Do "problem set" reviews. Do "winning team" reviews. Build community. Create hackathon radar. Reach critical mass to validate market and then create product. 1000-5000 views. 12K followers on Quora or "hackathons".
Go home feeling proud the numbing feeling of an all nighter the team crisis
Hackathon: How to win a hackathon (http://www.amazon.com/How-win-hackathon-Damian-Montero/dp/1491227311/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1449074954&sr=1-2&keywords=hackathon)
TekkiKat goes to a hackathon http://www.amazon.com/Tekkikat-Goes-Hackathon-DinoHulk-ebook/dp/B00ZE76T36/ref=sr_1_7?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1449075015&sr=1-7&keywords=hackathon
Hackathon: your guide to running a hackathon (http://www.amazon.com/Hackathon-Your-guide-running-hackathon-ebook/dp/B00JLT24BY/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1449074954&sr=1-1&keywords=hackathon)
http://codexhackathon.com/ http://guide.mlh.io/ http://www.europeana-space.eu/hackathons/open-hybrid-publishing-hackathon/hacking-culture-bootcamp/
possible talk and collaboration with these people https://www.quora.com/profile/Sanny-Lin-1/answers/Hackathons https://www.quora.com/profile/Leonid-S.-Knyshov/answers/Hackathons https://www.quora.com/profile/Richie-Zeng/answers/Hackathons?sort=views
Answer: https://www.quora.com/Hackathons/How-much-of-machine-learning-should-I-know-to-participate-in-a-simple-hackathon answer: https://www.quora.com/Hackathons/Should-I-enter-a-hackthon-now-or-wait-a-bit-until-I-get-better-at-programming
programmer.com protohack.org datahack.com