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Sanny Schulz edited this page Feb 27, 2023 · 1 revision

Format of the calendar date

The following settings for the date format are defined: DateDEshort ddmmyy <- default format(old) DateDElong ddmmyyyy DateENshort mmddyy DateENlong mmddyyyy The short format "ddmmyy", e.g. 24.01.95 -> "ddmmyy" requires input as “240195”. In case of short year format you need to set the century division year "DivideCentury", e.g. 1950 -> 50, which indicates that the model will use “010250” as 1.2.1950, but “010249” as 1.2.2049. The long format "ddmmyyyy", e.g. 24.01.2066 requires input as “24012066”.


Note: for numerical values a dot („.“) is used as decimal separator


Has to be given in °C

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