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zalky edited this page Feb 14, 2023 · 3 revisions

The Re-frame library provides test fixtures for running synchronous and asynchronous unit tests.

Reflet extends these via the io.zalky/reflet-test library. Simply include:

io.zalky/reflet-test {:mvn/version "0.1.0"}

in your deps.edn file. Then require the reflet.fixtures namespace to use Reflet's synchronous and asynchronous test fixtures:

(require '[reflet.fixtures :as fix]
         '[ :as rft])

(deftest my-sync-test

(deftest my-async-test
   (rft/wait-for [::timeout-success]

There are lots of good usage examples in the reflet.core-test and reflet.fsm-test namespaces.

References and Reactive Context

Components have no lifecycle outside a reactive context, and so things like lifecycle cleanup make no sense in unit tests.

What's more, code blocks inside a wait-for are returned and executed asynchronously outside of their originating with-ref scope, so cleanup must be avoided.

For this and other reasons, a number of behaviours are different from the running application. In unit tests, where there is no reactive context:

  1. All references created by with-ref are persistent, not transient

  2. There is no with-ref lifecycle cleanup

In the rare case when you really need to generate transient refs in unit tests, for example testing the properties of references, there is a macro in reflet.fixtures that can wrap a code block in a fake reactive context:


But you will rarely need this.

Queries and Reactive Context

Just like with regular Re-frame subscriptions, reg-pull queries in test fixtures run every time they are dereferenced.

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