work in progress...
- Either use on-grounds wifi, or VPN into the UVA network
- Connect via terminal using command $ ssh declan@, enter password
Motor files are found in 'RPI/motor/scripts'
- Identify the encoder hat (should be the top of the stack with colored wires coming out of the green pin housing)
- Flip the hat switch to ON
- Make sure the encoder (big black USB stick with colored wires) is plugged into the blue USB 3.0 port of the RPI
- From home directory, run $ cd RPI/motor/scripts
- Enable motor: $ python3 enable
- Spin motor: $ python3 [forward/backward] [speed]
Troubleshooting steps for stepper motor:
- Run test script ($ python3
- Check if pigpiod is enabled (should automatically be enabled by
- Connect camera
- Open KStars from applications list
- Ctrl + K in Kstars to open Ekos
- Select profile associated with camera (named ZWO...)
- Press play button to start Ekos to show camera controls
- Click on camera icon in Ekos top bar to navigate to capture settings
- Click play button on right side to start capture