These instructions assume you have the Git code versioning system installed in your system. If you don't have it installed, please install it before you begin. Using Git makes it easy to keep your Cuis updated. It also lets you publish your own code packages. If you are on Windows or Mac, and prefer not using the command line, you might follow Getting started using Mac Finder or Windows Explorer.
If you want to ask any question, or contribute back to the community, please subscribe to the Cuis development mail list at , and email us there.
Cuis Smalltalk is available in 64 bits and 32 bits variants. It also available in the older 32 bits V3 (pre Spur) image format. All three of them share the full source code and have essentially the same behavior, providing full portability for your code between them. These instructions are for the recommended format for each system, although most systems support all of them.
Note: The '--depth 1' option avoids cloning all repo history (most likely you don't need it) and makes cloning the repo much faster, using less disk space.
Note: If you are creating the main (or only) Cuis folder in your machine, you might prefer 'Cuis-Smalltalk' as the folder name instead of 'MyProject' or some specific project name.
Note: Please do create a new folder, and don't use an existing one. Cuis looks for packages to load in sibling folders to Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev, and using an existing folder could mean trying to load conflicting, outdated versions of packages. Keeping each Cuis project in a separate folder is an easy way to avoid such problems.
mkdir MyProject
cd MyProject
git clone --depth 1
cd Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev
After that, you may periodically update all your repos from GitHub:
cd MyProject/Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev
Additionally, after doing your stuff, you can check what you need to commit to GitHub:
cd MyProject/Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev
At the time of writing this, the VM dowload links below refered to the latest VM release available from If not anymore, then use the corresponding link for the latest version.
Note: For 32 bits Linux on Intel/AMD, use *_linux32x86_*
vm and the *-32.image
Cuis image.
cd MyProject
rm -r cogspur
wget -O cogspur.tgz
tar -zxvf cogspur.tgz
mv ./sqcogspur64linuxht ./cogspur
cogspur/squeak Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev/Cuis6.0-6017.image
If you get this error message (you won't get it if you run Cuis as root or sudo):
pthread_setschedparam failed: Operation not permitted
Then you need to do this (just one time):
sudo cp Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev/squeak.conf /etc/security/limits.d/squeak.conf
Log out and log back in, or reboot the machine.
cd MyProject
curl -L -o CogSpur.dmg
Open Finder on your folder
Double click on the dmg file
Drag to your MyProject folder
- drop the Cuis6.0-6017.image over the file
- If you get "Squeak is an app downloaded from the Internet. Are you sure you want to open it?", click on [Open]
- Alternatively, you might:
./ Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev/Cuis6.0-6017.image
Note: User the Git Bash commandline, not the regular Windows commandline
Note: For 32 bits Windows, use *_win32x86_*
vm and the *-32.image
Cuis image.
cd MyProject
rm -r cogspur
curl -k -L -o
unzip -d cogspur
cogspur/Squeak.exe Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev/Cuis6.0-6017.image
cd MyProject
rm -r cogspur
wget -O cogspur.tgz
tar -zxvf cogspur.tgz
mv ./sqcogspurlinuxhtRPi ./cogspur
cogspur/squeak Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev/Cuis6.0-6017-32.image
You can use Linux as a chroot in ChromeOS using Crouton to run a Cuis image.
First you need to follow the directions for installing Crouton at
Note: JIT (Just In Time) compiling is disabled by ChromeOS. This means that _squeak.cog. VMs will not work.
cd MyProject
rm -r cogspur
wget -O cogspur.tgz
tar -zxvf cogspur.tgz
mv ./sqcogspurlinuxht ./cogspur
cd MyProject
rm -r stkspur
wget -O stkspur.tgz
tar -zxvf stkspur.tgz
mv ./sqstkspurlinuxhtRPi ./stkspur
cogspur/squeak Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev/Cuis6.0-6017-32.image
stkspur/squeak Cuis-Smalltalk-Dev/Cuis6.0-6017-32.image
- If when starting the image you get error messages like "This interpreter (vers. 6505) cannot read image file (vers. 68021).", (68021 or some other reasonable number) it means you image and VM are mismatched. For example, one of them is Spur and the other is pre-Spur, or one of them is 32 bits and the other is 64 bits.
- If when starting the image you get error messages like "This interpreter (vers. 6505) cannot read image file (vers. 1007290890).", (1007290890 or some other absurd number) it means your git installation is breaking the files. It is usually best to configure git not to do any conversion on files.
- If you can't find Cuis6.0-6017-32.image, then this document is outdated. Use the Cuis spur image with the latest update number available.
- If you can't find the Squeak Cog Spur VM specified, then this document is outdated. Use the latest available Squeak Cog Spur VM for your platform from
- If you can't get Cuis to run on your system after trying the above instructions, send mail to the Cuis-Dev mail list. Please give enough detail of your system, what you tried, and any error messages you got.
- To get the contents of this repository without using Git, you can do
curl -L -o
and extract the contents of the zip file.