ps5 pup decrypt by asking nicely ps5 to do it.
- SpecterDev: for sdk files
- LeGend: for assistance on testing
- Scene-Collective/l0lhax/idc: for original code
- Anonymous: For help in getting the required coolstuff to reverse the protocol
- LemonHaze: For RE help
place your ps5 update file in /mnt/usb0/safe.PS5UPDATE.PUP (this is root of your pendrive, file safe.PS5UPDATE.PUP)
plug the pendrive to the ps5.
let it do its thing (warning: this requires elevated privileges for most packages!)
either one or two files will be produced (PS5UPDATE1.PUP.dec and PS5UPDATE2.PUP.dec) depending on what file you have (sys or recovery)
Ubuntu 20.04 with
gcc (or WSL alternative)