I've tried various methods to track my to-dos, but they were either too complex or inconvenient. By using this module with Notion, I can easily view my to-dos in the status bar. The way I have it set up, the module displays overdue tasks, tasks for today, and tasks without a due date. When a task's due date arrives, it moves into the today's tasks section, and incomplete tasks move into the overdue section. It's also convenient because I can manage my tasks on either my PC or mobile app, and the updates will be reflected in the status bar.
Create a to-do list on Notion by going to "Templates" and selecting "To-do list". Reference Image
Obtain an API key from Notion by following the instructions at https://developers.notion.com/docs/create-a-notion-integration.
Obtain the database ID by copying the link to your to-do list in Notion. The database ID is the string of characters between "https://www.notion.so/" and "?v=" in the link.
In your Notion integration settings, go to "Add Connections" and select the integration you created in step 2. Reference Image
Create a config.json file in the same directory as main.py with the following contents, replacing the values with your own API key and database ID:
"NOTION_API_KEY": "secret_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"NOTION_DATABASE_ID": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
- Edit main.py and change the path to your own config.json.
type = custom/script
interval = 10.0
exec = python -u ~/.config/polybar/custom-modules/notion/main.py
tail = true
click-left = xdg-open https://notion.so/