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Node Express Starter

Personal project starter

Set Up

Complete the following steps to begin a new project

# 1. First, clone to your machine
git clone my_project

# 2. Go to the project directory
cd my_project

# 3. Reset project .git history with this command
rm -rf .git && git init

# 4. Install project dependencies
npm i

# 5. Rename the example .env file, if you plan on using environmental variables in your project
mv example.env .env

Be sure to update your package.json w/ your project details!

Database (Sql)

  1. Add migrations then create project database
createdb -U postgres new_db
  1. Run migrations 1 by 1 (or all at once)
# migrate up
npm run migrate -- 1
# migrate down
npm run migrate -- 0

# migrate up, full
npm run migrate
  1. Seed database
psql -U postgres -d new_db -f ./seeds/seed.db_tables.sql

Integrate Knex

  1. Run npm i knex and then npm i pg (for postgres, in this case).
  2. Reference the Knex Documentation for more.
  3. A sample db url has been added to the example env
  4. Getting started
const knex = require("knex");

const knexInstance = knex({
  client: "pg",
  connection: process.env.DB_URL,

console.log("connection successful");


Start the application npm start

Start nodemon for the application npm run dev

Run the tests npm test


When your new project is ready for deployment, add a new Heroku application with heroku create. This will make a new git remote called "heroku" and you can then npm run deploy which will push to this remote's master branch.


Personal starter for Node with Postgres






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