- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Node 16
Copy docker-compose.prod.yml as docker-compose.yml.
Open up your docker-compose.yml, you will see some environment options;
# Your discord application's access token
TOKEN: "example.access.token"
# User id of the invited bot
BOT_ID: "000000000000000000"
# Discord server id that the bot joined
GUILD_ID: "000000000000000000"
# Bonuz discord secret
DISCORD_SECRET: "iamasecret"
# Your bonuz app's base url
BONUZ_APP_URL: "https://example.com"
Give it a go.
docker-compose up
To add /bonuz command into your discord server you need to inject the command.
docker-compose exec app /bin/bash
npm run deploy
# cleared global commands
# Successfully registered application commands.