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Releases: zeppe-lin/pkgsrc-stuff


14 Jan 18:01
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Full Changelog: v0.99.1...v1.0


11 Dec 19:40
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Full Changelog: v0.99...v0.99.1


06 May 03:45
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7z2hashcat 1.9-2a041d9
aircrack-ng 1.7
amass-bin 3.22.2
android-ndk-bin r23b
android-sdk-bin 26.1.1
android-sdk-build-tools-bin 31
android-sdk-platform-tools-bin 31.0.3
apktool-bin 2.7.0
arp-scan 1.10.0
arpspoof 0.1.0-8359467
asleap 2.2
assetfinder-bin 0.1.1
boost 1.81.0
bully 1.1-3ab3bc8
c-ares 1.19.0
captal 0.3-f38d0c0
checksec 2.6.0
cowpatty 4.8
cppcheck 2.10.3
dalfox-bin 2.9.0
dex2jar-bin 2.2-SNAPSHOT-2021-10-31
dhcp-spoof 0.1-a207d4c
dhex 0.69
dos2unix 7.4.4
dsniff 2.4b1-30
dsss 0.3b-84ddd33
exif 0.6.22
ffuf-bin 2.0.0
fierce 0.9.9-40501b5
findomain-bin 9.0.0
fqlite-bin 1.5.7
freerdp2 2.10.0
gau-bin 2.1.2
gencc 0.1.1
ghidra-bin 10.1.5-20220726
gimp-appimage 2.10.25-20210610
gitleaks-bin 8.16.3
gobuster-bin 3.5.0
goldendict-appimage 1.0.1-9a5e1e8
hashcat 6.2.6
hashcat-utils 1.9
hashid 3.1.4-7e8473a
hcxdumptool 6.2.7
hcxtools 6.2.7
hcxtools3 3.5.0-e4b60f4
heimdall 1.4.2
holehe 1.61-2158f87
httprobe-bin 0.2
httpx-bin 1.3.0
httrack 3.49.2
hwloc 2.8.0
ipobfs 0.1-163695f
jadx-bin 1.4.7
jd-gui-bin 1.6.6
john 1.9.0-jumbo-1
johnny 2.2
joomscan 0.0.7-7931539
jp2a 1.1.1
jq 1.6
karma 1.0.0-19c0c7e
layer234-attack-tools 0.1-b6901c0
layer567-attack-tools 0.1-360071f
libewf-legacy 20140814
libfaketime 0.9.10
libglade 2.6.4
libidn 1.41
libnet 1.2
libnetfilter-queue 1.0.5
libnids 1.24
libxcrypt2.4 2.4
linkfinder 0-095bb62
linssid 3.6
macchanger 1.7.0
masscan 1.3.2-144c527
massdns 1.0.0-164fd41
mdk3 6-1bf2bd3
mdk4 4.2-c6a3599
metasploit 6.3.14
mitmproxy-bin 9.0.1
ncrack 0.7
netcat-openbsd 1.219-1
netdiscover 0.10
nikto 2.1.6-fed0c5c
nmap 7.93
nuclei-bin 2.9.1
nvidia 460.39
nvidia-nox 460.39
office2hashcat 0.42.1-fdfb6d6
p0f 3.09b
p5-b-cow 0.007
p5-capture-tiny 0.48
p5-cgi 4.57
p5-clone 0.46
p5-compress-raw-lzma 2.204
p5-devel-cycle 1.12
p5-digest-hmac 1.04
p5-encode-locale 1.05
p5-extutils-helpers 0.026
p5-extutils-installpaths 0.012
p5-file-listing 6.15
p5-file-slurp-tiny 0.004
p5-gd 2.76
p5-gd-graph 1.56
p5-gd-text 0.86
p5-html-form 6.11
p5-html-parser 3.81
p5-html-tagset 3.20
p5-html-tree 5.07
p5-http-cookiejar 0.014
p5-http-cookies 6.10
p5-http-daemon 6.16
p5-http-date 6.05
p5-http-message 6.44
p5-http-negotiate 6.01
p5-http-response-encoding 0.06
p5-http-server-simple 0.52
p5-image-exiftool 12.60
p5-inc-latest 0.500
p5-io-html 1.004
p5-io-socket-inet6 2.73
p5-io-socket-ssl 2.081
p5-json 4.10
p5-libwww 6.70
p5-lwp-mediatypes 6.04
p5-lwp-protocol-https 6.10
p5-module-build 0.42_35
p5-module-build-tiny 0.045
p5-mozilla-ca 20221114
p5-net-dns 1.37_04
p5-net-http 6.22
p5-net-pcap 0.20
p5-net-ssleay 1.93_02
p5-padwalker 2.5
p5-path-tiny 0.144
p5-regexp-common 2017060201
p5-socket6 0.29
p5-string-crc32 2.100
p5-sub-uplevel 0.2800
p5-term-readline-gnu 1.45
p5-test-deep 1.204
p5-test-exception 0.43
p5-test-fatal 0.017
p5-test-fork 0.02
p5-test-memory-cycle 1.06
p5-test-needs 0.002010
p5-test-nowarnings 1.06
p5-test-output 1.033
p5-test-requiresinternet 0.05
p5-test-taint 1.08
p5-test-warn 0.37
p5-test-warnings 0.031
p5-text-csv 2.02
p5-timedate 2.33
p5-tree-dag-node 1.32
p5-try-tiny 0.31
p5-uri 5.19
p5-www-mechanize 2.17
p5-www-robotrules 6.02
p5-xml-namespacesupport 1.12_9
p5-xml-sax 1.02
p5-xml-sax-base 1.09
p5-xml-sax-expat 0.51
p5-xml-simple 2.25
p7zip 16.02
padbuster 0.3.3-94460ff
pango-compat 1.34.1
pcalc 5
pdf2hashcat 0.1-a389f09
phoneinfoga-bin 2.10.4
php-fcgi 8.1.18
php-gd 8.1.18
pixiewps 1.4.2
pixload 1.1.1
polipo 1.1.1
proxychains-ng 4.16
py-cairo 1.18.2
py-gobject-compat 2.28.7
py3-editorconfig 0.12.3
py3-gitdb 4.0.10
py3-gitpython 3.1.31
py3-jsbeautifier 1.14.7
py3-pip 23.1.2
py3-pycparser 2.21
py3-smmap 5.0.0
pygtk 2.24.0
qrot 0.1-1c06002
qsreplace-bin 0.0.3
qwt 6.2.0
radare2 5.8.4
rdesktop 1.9.0
reaver-wps-t6x 1.6.6-4091bf2
regexploit 1.0.0
ropgadget 7.3
routersploit 3.4.0-85f4bf2
scapy 2.5.0
shellcheck-bin 0.9.0
shuffledns-bin 1.0.8
sleuthkit 4.12.0
smtp-user-enum 1.2-69eea42
socialscan 2.0.0-a181b40
sp-flash-tool-bin 5.2124
spoofcheck 0.1
sqlitebrowser 3.12.2
sqlmap 1.7.5
sslscan 2.0.16
sslsplit 0.5.5
subfinder-bin 2.5.8
testdisk 7.1
thc-hydra 9.4-75b7b52
thc-ipv6 3.8
tnscmd10g 1.3
torsocks 2.3.0
trufflehog 2.0.97
trufflehogregexes 20210616-9257f45
uncrustify 0.76.0
urlcrazy 0.7.3
waybackurls-bin 0.1.0
whatweb 0.5.5-ae89986
wine-4.0.x-i386-appimage 4.0.4
wine-4.0.x-multi-appimage 4.0.4
wine-staging-appimage 8.1
wireshark 4.0.5
wpscan 3.8.22
xxhash 0.8.1
yersinia 0.8.2-867b309
zaproxy-bin 2023-05-02