The file tree shows relavent directories for the current version of the project.
To replicate the results from the paper, go to paper_data_v3
and follow the README.
├── emergenet : Emergenet package source code
├── examples : Examples using the emergenet.emergenet and emergenet.domseq modules
├── paper_data_v3 : Results for current version of the paper
└── tex : LaTeX source files for paper
- Predicting seasonal vaccine strains
- Estimating emergence risk of non-human strains
To install with pip:
pip install emergenet --upgrade
- quasinet
- numpy
- pandas
- matplotlib
- distance
- biopython
- scikit-learn
- shapely
- alphashape
Examples are located here.
For more documentation, see here.
To evaluate a strain, use examples/
. You only need to provide the HA and NA sequences. Run python examples/ -h
for more arguments.
Here is a detailed example using an IRAT strain, A/Indiana/08/2011, evaluated at present time.
$ python $HA $NA --risk_sample_size=100
Estimated IRAT Emergence Score: 6.50
Time taken: 31.28 seconds
Here is a detailed example using the same IRAT strain, A/Indiana/08/2011, evaluated at the time of IRAT assessment.
import pandas as pd
from emergenet.emergenet import Enet, predict_irat_emergence
DATA_DIR = 'data/emergenet/'
# Load IRAT sequence - A/Indiana/08/2011
irat_df = pd.read_csv(DATA_DIR+'irat.csv')
row = irat_df.iloc[20]
# We need the analysis date, and HA and NA sequences
# Optionally, we can proved a save_data directory
analysis_date = row['Date of Risk Assessment']
ha_seq = row['HA Sequence']
na_seq = row['NA Sequence']
SAVE_DIR = 'data/emergenet/example_results/'
# Initialize the Enet
enet = Enet(analysis_date=analysis_date,
# Estimate the Enet risk scores
ha_risk, na_risk = enet.risk(risk_sample_size=100)
# Map the Enet risk scores to the IRAT risk scale
irat, irat_low, irat_high = predict_irat_emergence(ha_risk=ha_risk,
import pandas as pd
from emergenet.domseq import DomSeq
from emergenet.utils import save_model, load_model
DATA_DIR = 'data/domseq/'
# Initialize the DomSeq
domseq = DomSeq(seq_trunc_length=565, random_state=42)
# Load data from current time period (2021-2022 season)
df = pd.read_csv(DATA_DIR+'north_h1n1_21_22.csv')
# Train enet
enet = domseq.train(seq_df=df, sample_size=3000, n_jobs=1)
# Load candidate sequences for recommendation
# This includes all human H1N1 strains up until the 2021-2022 season
candidate_df = pd.read_csv(DATA_DIR+'north_h1n1_21_22_pred.csv')
# Compute prediction sequences (return predictions from top 3 largest clusters)
pred_df = domseq.predict_domseq(seq_df=df,
# Compute a single prediction for the dominant strain
single_pred_seq = domseq.predict_single_domseq(pred_seqs=pred_df,