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Releases: zerotier/ZeroTierOne

Version 1.2.0

15 Mar 05:10
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2017-03-14 -- Version 1.2.0

Version 1.2.0 is a major milestone release representing almost nine months of work. It includes our rules engine for distributed network packet filtering and security monitoring, federated roots, and many other architectural and UI improvements and bug fixes.

New Features in 1.2.0

The ZeroTier Rules Engine

The largest new feature in 1.2.0, and the product of many months of work, is our advanced network rules engine. With this release we achieve traffic control, security monitoring, and micro-segmentation capability on par with many enterprise SDN solutions designed for use in advanced data centers and corporate networks.

Rules allow you to filter packets on your network and vector traffic to security observers. Security observation can be performed in-band using REDIRECT or out of band using TEE.

Tags and capabilites provide advanced methods for implementing fine grained permission structures and micro-segmentation schemes without bloating the size and complexity of your rules table.

See the rules engine announcement blog post for an in-depth discussion of theory and implementation. The manual contains detailed information on rule, tag, and capability use, and the rule-compiler/ subfolder of the ZeroTier source tree contains a JavaScript function to compile rules in our human-readable rule definition language into rules suitable for import into a network controller. (ZeroTier Central uses this same script to compile rules on

Root Server Federation

It's now possible to create your own root servers and add them to the root server pool on your nodes. This is done by creating what's called a "moon," which is a signed enumeration of root servers and their stable points on the network. Refer to the manual for instructions.

Federated roots achieve a number of things:

  • You can deploy your own infrastructure to reduce dependency on ours.
  • You can deploy roots inside your LAN to ensure that network connectivity inside your facility still works if the Internet goes down. This is the first step toward making ZeroTier viable as an in-house SDN solution.
  • Roots can be deployed inside national boundaries for countries with data residency laws or "great firewalls." (As of 1.2.0 there is still no way to force all traffic to use these roots, but that will be easy to do in a later version.)
  • Last but not least this makes ZeroTier somewhat less centralized by eliminating any hard dependency on ZeroTier, Inc.'s infrastructure.

Our roots will of course remain and continue to provide zero-configuration instant-on deployment, a secure global authority for identities, and free traffic relaying for those who can't establish peer to peer connections.

Local Configuration

An element of our design philosophy is "features are bugs." This isn't an absolute dogma but more of a guiding principle. We try as hard as we can to avoid adding features, especially "knobs" that must be tweaked by a user.

As of 1.2.0 we've decided that certain knobs are unavoidable, and so there is now a local.conf file that can be used to configure them. See the ZeroTier One documentation for these. They include:

  • Blacklisting interfaces you want to make sure ZeroTier doesn't use for network traffic, such as VPNs, slow links, or backplanes designated for only certain kinds of traffic.
  • Turning uPnP/NAT-PMP on or off.
  • Configuring software updates on Windows and Mac platforms.
  • Defining trusted paths (the old trusted paths file is now deprecated)
  • Setting the ZeroTier main port so it doesn't have to be changed on the command line, which is very inconvenient in many cases.

Improved In-Band Software Updates

A good software update system for Windows and Mac clients has been a missing feature in previous versions. It does exist but we've been shy about using it so far due to its fragility in some environments.

We've greatly improved this mechanism in 1.2.0. Not only does it now do a better job of actually invoking the update, but it also transfers updates in-band using the ZeroTier protocol. This means it can work in environments that do not allows http/https traffic or that force it through proxies. There's also now an update channel setting: beta or release (the default).

Software updates are authenticated three ways:

  1. ZeroTier's own signing key is used to sign all updates and this signature is checked prior to installation. ZeroTier, Inc.'s signatures are performed on an air-gapped machine.

  2. Updates for Mac and Windows are signed using Apple and Microsoft (DigiCert EV) keys and will not install unless these signatures are also valid.

  3. The new in-band update mechanism also authenticates the source of the update via ZeroTier's built-in security features. This provides transport security, while 1 and 2 provide security of the update at rest.

Updates are now configurable via local.conf. There are three options: disable, download, and apply. The third (apply) is the default for official builds on Windows and Mac, making updates happen silently and automatically as they do for popular browsers like Chrome and Firefox. Updates are disabled by default on Linux and other Unix-type systems as these are typically updated through package managers.

Path Link Quality Awareness

Version 1.2.0 is now aware of the link quality of direct paths with other 1.2.0 nodes. This information isn't used yet but is visible through the JSON API. (Quality always shows as 100% with pre-1.2.0 nodes.) Quality is measured passively with no additional overhead using a counter based packet loss detection algorithm.

This information is visible from the command line via listpeers:

200 listpeers XXXXXXXXXX 199.XXX.XXX.XXX/9993;10574;15250;1.00 48 1.2.0 LEAF
200 listpeers XXXXXXXXXX 195.XXX.XXX.XXX/45584;467;7608;0.44 290 1.2.0 LEAF

The first peer's path is at 100% (1.00), while the second peer's path is suffering quite a bit of packet loss (0.44).

Link quality awareness is a precursor to intelligent multi-path and QoS support, which will in future versions bring us to feature parity with SD-WAN products like Cisco iWAN.

Security Improvements

Version 1.2.0 adds anti-DOS (denial of service) rate limits and other hardening for improved resiliency against a number of denial of service attack scenarios.

It also adds a mechanism for instantaneous credential revocation. This can be used to revoke certificates of membership instantly to kick a node off a network (for private networks) and also to revoke capabilities and tags. The new controller sends revocations by default when a peer is de-authorized.

Revocations propagate using a "rumor mill" peer to peer algorithm. This means that a controller need only successfully send a revocation to at least one member of a network with connections to other active members. At this point the revocation will flood through the network peer to peer very quickly. This helps make revocations more robust in the face of poor connectivity with the controller or attempts to incapacitate the controller with denial of service attacks, as well as making revocations faster on huge networks.

Windows and Macintosh UI Improvements (ZeroTier One)

The Mac has a whole new UI built natively in Objective-C. It provides a pulldown similar in appearance and operation to the Mac WiFi task bar menu.

The Windows UI has also been improved and now provides a task bar icon that can be right-clicked to manage networks. Both now expose managed route and IP permissions, allowing nodes to easily opt in to full tunnel operation if you have a router configured on your network.

Ad-Hoc Networks

A special kind of public network called an ad-hoc network may be accessed by joining a network ID with the format:

| |   |   |
| |   |   Reserved for future use, must be 0
| |   End of port range (hex)
| Start of port range (hex)
Reserved ZeroTier address prefix indicating a controller-less network

Ad-hoc networks are public (no access control) networks that have no network controller. Instead their configuration and other credentials are generated locally. Ad-hoc networks permit only IPv6 UDP and TCP unicast traffic (no multicast or broadcast) using 6plane format NDP-emulated IPv6 addresses. In addition an ad-hoc network ID encodes an IP port range. UDP packets and TCP SYN (connection open) packets are only allowed to desintation ports within the encoded range.

For example ff00160016000000 is an ad-hoc network allowing only SSH, while ff0000ffff000000 is an ad-hoc network allowing any UDP or TCP port.

Keep in mind that these networks are public and anyone in the entire world can join them. Care must be taken to avoid exposing vulnerable services or sharing unwanted files or other resources.

Network Controller (Partial) Rewrite

The network controller has been largely rewritten to use a simple in-filesystem JSON data store in place of SQLite, and it is now included by default in all Windows, Mac, Linux, and BSD builds. This means any desktop or server node running ZeroTier One can now be a controller with no recompilation needed.

If you have data in an old SQLite3 controller we've included a NodeJS script in controller/migrate-sqlite to migrate data to the new format. If you don't migrate, members will start getting NOT_FOUND when they attempt to query for updates.

Major Bug Fixes in 1.2.0

  • The Windows HyperV 100% CPU bug is FINALLY DEAD: This long-running problem turns out to have been an issue with Windows itself, but one we were triggering by placing invalid data into the Windows registry. Microsoft is aware of the issue...
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VERSION 1.1.12: yet another minor fix to managed routes

12 Jul 22:11
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This version just contains another minor fix to managed routes for
GitHub issue #352.

VERSION 1.1.10: minor managed route fixes

12 Jul 20:40
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Version 1.1.10 is a minor bug fix release. It fixes the following two issues:

 * Routes are no longer added 'via' IP addresses of the current node's ZT interface.
 * IPv6 default route is now fixed on Mac.
 * IP addresses are now deleted before new ones are added to allow changes to netmask
   on Mac and some other platforms.

This version also quietly introduces a feature called trusted paths. We'll be
documenting this in our community section soon. This is an experimental feature
for in-LAN SDN use.

ZeroTier One 1.1.8

08 Jul 23:41
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VERSION 1.1.8: minor Linux bug fix, controller fixes, controller doc …


1.1.8 is a very minor update. It contains a small fix to IP address management
on Linux but other than that there are no changes to the regular ZeroTier One

The 1.1.8 controller contains several fixes and improvements:

 * Network authorizedMemberCount works again
 * Managed IP addresses are pushed as long as they fall within a LAN-local managed
   route. The v4AssignMode and v6AssignMode settings only control automatic IP
   assignment from pools. In previous versions v4AssignMode had to be on for IPs
   to be pushed at all, making it impossible to just manually assign IPs.
 * IPv6 now has an auto-assign mode ('zt' to match V4) that can work alongside the
   special RFC4193 and 6PLANE modes (though it is not NDP emulated). If this is
   enabled IPv6 addresses will be auto-assigned from IPv6 ranges in the assignment
   pool list.
 * Controller documentation is MUCH better! See controller/ for actual
   useful information!

Finally 1.1.8 has several improvements to linux-build-farm including Debian wheezy

VERSION 1.1.4: Improved path detection, improved anti-recursion code,…

02 Jun 22:00
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… and Network Containers BETA

ZeroTier One version 1.1.4 has several improvements to path stability and
path learning logic. It also contains the BETA version of Network Containers!

See netcon/ and for more

Improvements in 1.1.4:

 - Paths are now confirmed more aggressively on inactivity. This version can
   usually detect a dead direct path in under 10 seconds vs 1-2 minutes in
   previous versions.
 - Logic to prevent recursion has been overhauled. The old versions had code
   that explicitly checked packet contents (AntiRecursion.hpp). This is now
   gone in favor of a function that checks IP addresses of ZeroTier devices
   when paths are learned or probed. This is both more efficient and less
   prone to edge case failures. Testing in several complex environments has
   shown that this eliminates a few edge cases where inappropriate paths would
   be used.