Nix packages. Ruby, Rails, Node.js/NPM, Nginx + Passenger.
For short, there're three types of installation, each with options to choose from:
You can use this package collection to compose your NixOS system, and/or provide the package collection to all users under your system.
Apply the following configuration in your NixOS Module (e.g. configuration.nix
), to install this package collection as an "overlay" for nixpkgs (i.e. new packages will be available directly under let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { }; in pkgs
, and some provided will be overwritten), for the system and every user under the system. See the comments for details as you may want to change something:
{ pkgs, options, ... }:
# To "pin" to a certain commit, use this instead of `fetchTarball`:
# zpkgs-source = builtins.fetchGit {
# url = "";
# ref = "master";
# # Get the latest commit rev on
# #
# rev = "...";
# };
zpkgs-source = builtins.fetchTarball "";
in {
# Use the package collection as an overlay of nixpkgs
nixpkgs.overlays =
(options.nixpkgs.overlays.default or [ ]) ++
(import "${zpkgs-source}/manifest.nix");
# Also apply the zpkgs overlay to users under the system
# See:
# -
# -
nix.nixPath = with pkgs;
(options.nix.nixPath.default or [ ]) ++
[ "nixpkgs-overlays=${overlays-compat}/" ]
# Add binary cache servers for zpkgs
nix.binaryCaches = (options.nix.binaryCaches.default or [ ]) ++ [
nix.binaryCachePublicKeys = (options.nix.binaryCachePublicKeys.default or [ ]) ++ [
With the above configurations applied, you can use the new provided packages, such as pkgs.nginx-with-passenger
in other system configuration modules. Users under the system can also install the new provided or modified packages using the nix-env
command like nix-env -iA nixpkgs.passenger
, or refer them such as nix-instantiate --eval -E 'let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { }; in pkgs.passenger'
, as well as you run sudo nixos-rebuild switch
to switch to the new config.
If you want to leave <nixpkgs>
unchanged, the following config will make this package collection accessible under the .zpkgs
attribute of <nixpkgs>
, but only for the system (i.e. new provided or modified packages will be available under pkgs.zpkgs
, e.g. pkgs.zpkgs.nginx-with-passenger
, in other system configuration modules). See the comments for details as you may want to change something:
Show Config
{ pkgs, options, ... }:
# To "pin" to a certain commit, use this instead of `fetchTarball`:
# zpkgs-source = builtins.fetchGit {
# url = "";
# ref = "master";
# # Get the latest commit rev on
# #
# rev = "...";
# };
zpkgs-source = builtins.fetchTarball "";
in {
# Make the package collection accessialbe under the zpkgs attribute
nixpkgs.packageOverrides = pkgs: {
zpkgs = import zpkgs-source {
inherit pkgs;
# Add binary cache servers for zpkgs
nix.binaryCaches = (options.nix.binaryCaches.default or [ ]) ++ [
nix.binaryCachePublicKeys = (options.nix.binaryCachePublicKeys.default or [ ]) ++ [
Aware that this installation option will not affect users under the system. To make the packages available for users, you'll need to go for the single user installation type for every user needed.
If you're not using NixOS or only want to use this package collection as your own, then this is the type of installation you'll use.
Edit ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays.nix
and add the following configuration. See the comments for details as you may want to change something:
# To "pin" to a certain commit, use this instead of `fetchTarball`:
# zpkgs-source = builtins.fetchGit {
# url = "";
# ref = "master";
# # Get the latest commit rev on
# #
# rev = "...";
# };
zpkgs-source = builtins.fetchTarball "";
in (import "${zpkgs-source}/manifest.nix") ++ [
# Add other overlays here
After appling the config, you can install the new provided or modified packages using the nix-env
command like nix-env -iA nixpkgs.passenger
, or refer them such as nix-instantiate --eval -E 'let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { }; in pkgs.passenger'
Follow the instructions on Cachix to add the new binary cache server for this package collection.
If you want to leave <nixpkgs>
unchanged, the following config will make this package collection accessible under the .zpkgs
attribute of <nixpkgs>
, apply it to ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix
. See the comments for details as you may want to change something:
Show Config
# To "pin" to a certain commit, use this instead of `fetchTarball`:
# zpkgs-source = builtins.fetchGit {
# url = "";
# ref = "master";
# # Get the latest commit rev on
# #
# rev = "...";
# };
zpkgs-source = builtins.fetchTarball "";
in {
packageOverrides = pkgs: {
zpkgs = zpkgs-source {
inherit pkgs;
After appling the config, you can install the new provided or modified packages using the nix-env
command like nix-env -iA nixpkgs.zpkgs.passenger
, or refer them such as nix-instantiate --eval -E 'let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { }; in pkgs.zpkgs.passenger'
Follow the instructions on Cachix to add the new binary cache server for this package collection.
To craft software that are buildable via nix with the help of this package collection, take mkNodePackageWithRuntime
for example, you can write something like this as your default.nix
# To "pin" to a certain commit, use this instead of `fetchTarball`:
# pkgs ? import (
# builtins.fetchGit {
# url = "";
# ref = "master";
# # Get the latest commit rev on
# #
# rev = "...";
# }
# ) { },
pkgs ? import (
builtins.fetchTarball ""
) { /* pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { } # If you want to use system <nixpkgs> rather then the nixpkgs version pinned in zpkgs */ },
nodejs ? pkgs.nodejs,
mkNodePackageWithRuntime ? pkgs.mkNodePackageWithRuntime,
npmPackage = import ./npm-package.nix {
srcs = [
# ...
in mkNodePackageWithRuntime nodejs { } npmPackage