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What is ZCLI

ZCLI is the acronym of ZEVENET Command Line Interface. This tool allows managing multiple load balancers from a command line or automatizes load balancer actions in the operation scripts.

ZCLI is a wrapper of the ZAPI (ZEVENET Application Programming Interface), it has an autocompletion feature to navigate easier for the load balancer modules and its items.

It depends on the ZEVENET EE 6.1 or higher.

It depends on the ZEVENET CE 5.11 or higher.

How to use

The ZCLI user guide is in the following link, guide.


Downloading image:

docker pull

Creating an alias ( in .bashrc, .zshrc or another):

alias zcli="docker run --rm -it -v $HOME/.zcli:/root/.zcli zcli:latest zcli

How to install on Linux

Downloading the code:

git clone

Installing depencencies and deploying in the system:

cd zcli && sudo ./

Note: the way to update the code is getting the last changes of the git repository:

git pull


Steps to build .exe:

  • Install Strawberry Perl for windows (It was tested with strawberry-perl-
  • Install CPAN dependences adding the pp package
  • Build package (from the src repo directory) adding the .exe extension: dir zcli\src pp -c -x -o ..\zcli.exe

The Term::ReadKey perl module was modified in the Windown host to delete a Carp message.

These steps are based on the following links:


This section explains some implementation details.

Building a command

The command line arguments look like:

command line:    zcli [options] <object> <action> [         ids list         ] [              param_body list              ]
zcli internally: zcli [options] <object> <action> [ids list] [ids_params list] [file_upload|download] [param_body list|json]

Note: The options arguments are only checked in the ZCLI invoke. The options are available using zcli help.

The command parses the input arguments to execute an HTTP request to the ZAPI. A command internally has the following syntaxis:

The command syntasis:

zcli <object> <action> [ids list] [ids_params list] [file_upload|download] [param_body list|json]
         |       |       |                 |               |                      |
         |       |       ---------------------------------------------------------------> They are ZAPI parameters
         -------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Defines ZAPI request
  • object: it is the kind of object of the load balancer selected.
  • action: it is the verb to execute.
  • ids list: they are mandatories and they identify the object selected. They are taken from ZEVENET with the GET /ids ZAPI request. It is used to make the HTTP URI. If the object is a subobject (e.g. service) the previous keys are mandatories (e.g. farm name).
  • ids_params list: they are ids mandatories that cannot be parsed from id tree. It is used to make the URI. e.g.: the number of lines to show from a log file.
  • file_upload and file_download: it is the local file to upload/download to/from the load balancer.
  • param_body: They are the JSON parameters that are sent in the ZAPI request. The parameter name is indicated using the hyphen operator followed by the value (e.g.: -vip This field can use the JSON input format using the option -j.

Some examples:

  • Modifiying the backend 0 of the service service1 of the farm farm1: zcli farms-services-backend modify farm1 service1 0 -ip -port 80
  • Downloading the backup backup-200320 and saving it as backup1.tar.gz: zcli system-backup download backup-200320 backup1.tar.gz
  • Uploading the backup backup1.tar.gz and it's created with the name backup-cfg: zcli system-backup upload backup-cfg backup1.tar.gz
  • Modifying the source with ID 0 of the blacklist denied_ips: zcli ipds-blacklist-source set denied_ipds 0 -source

How ZCLI expands the command internally:

object action ids list ids_params list file to upload or download param_body list or json format
farms-services-backend modify farm1 service1 0 -ip -port 80
system-backup download backup-200320 backup1.tar.gz
system-backup upload backup-cfg backup1.tar.gz
ipds-blacklist-source set denied_ips 0 -source

Defining objects to create commands based on ZAPI.

The command objects are used to implement the ZCLI commands and they are defined in the directory src/ZCLI/Objects. Each object has a list of options that define how to implement the ZAPI request.

Module key used in ZCLI commands

'command-obj' => {

    # action key used in ZCLI commands. There are reserved words in module to be used here.
    'action' => {

        # 'uri' is the URI used for the ZAPI request. It can contain two kind of 'parameters' inside:
        #    '<id>' is a id parameter of the command and has to match with one element of the IDs tree of the load balancer.
        #        Those parameters are delemited for the characeters '<' and '>'
        #    '$Define::Uri_param_tag' is a id_param parameter of the command and it is not implemented in the IDs tree of the load balancer.
        #       The name for this value is in the key of this hash 'param_uri'.
        #       The string that defines this parameters is defined in the Define module of ZCLI.
        uri       => "/system/logs/<$K{LOG}>/lines/$Define::Uri_param_tag",

        # 'method' is the HTTP method used to do the ZAPI request.
        method       => 'PUT',

        # 'content_type' is the content_type header used to send the request parameters in PUT and POST requests.
        #       If this parameter is missing, the 'application/json' value will be used.
        content_type => 'application/gzip',

        # 'upload_file' is a flag to invoke the autocomplete subrutine and to require to upload a local file. It has the 'undef' value.
        upload_file  => undef,

        # 'download_file' is a flag to invoke the autocomplete subrutine and to require to upload a local file. It has the 'undef' value.
        download_file => undef,

        # 'param_uri' is the parameter name for 'ids_params'. This list is sort. Each element contains a 'name' and a 'desc' (description) field
        param_uri    => [
                name => "name",
                desc => "the name which the backup will be saved",

        # 'params' is a hash with pre-defined parameters. They are useful to create macros of command that does not need to modify
        #      its values as 'restart', 'stop'... Each element of this hash uses as key the parameter name and as value the value name.
        params => {
            'action' => 'stop',

		# This field is used to parse the parameters as an array. Example: creating bonding
		params_arr => {
								'slaves' => 1,

        # Optional parameters is a hash with API request parameters and the list of possible values.
        params_opt => {
			mode => ['drain','cut']

        # The option 'enterprise' is set to '1' when that call is exclusive of EE
        enterprise => 1,

        # 'params_autocomplete' defines how to autocomplete a parameter
        params_autocomplete => {
                name =>        # name of the parameter to autocomplete
                    'ipds/blacklists',    # it is the information to look for the IDs to autocomplete. The keys of the id tree is separated by '/'.

        # The 'params_complete' parameter is a flag not to extend the command autocompleting more parameters.
        # It is useful to create a command macro with a expecific configuration.
        # I.E. "ipds-package upgrade"
        params_complete => 1,

        # It is used to customized the parsing of the parameters for a command. There is an example in 'rbac-role set'.
        # If this parameter is used, previously only will be parsed the URI parameters.
        params_funct_parse => 'Objects::complete_rbac_roles',

        # It is used to customized the building of the parameters for a request body. There is an example in 'rbac-role set'
        params_funct_build => 'Objects::body_rbac_roles',


'farms-services' => {
    $V{ CREATE } => {
                      uri    => "/farms/<$K{FARM}>/services",
                      method => 'POST',
    $V{ SET } => {
                   uri    => "/farms/<$K{FARM}>/services/<$K{SRV}>",
                   method => 'PUT',

'farms' => $V{ STOP } => {
                     uri    => "/farms/<$K{FARM}>/actions",
                     method => 'PUT',
                     params => {
                                 'action' => 'stop',

'system-backups' => {
      $V{ DOWNLOAD } => {
                          uri    => "/system/backup/<$K{BACKUP}>",
                          method => 'GET',
                          download_file => undef,
      $V{ UPLOAD } => {
              uri          => "/system/backup/$Define::Uri_param_tag",
              method       => 'PUT',
              content_type => 'application/gzip',
              upload_file  => undef,
              param_uri    => [
                        name => "name",
                        desc => "the name which the backup will be saved",

Note: In the ZCLI module there are some macros to implement verbs and keys for the URIs.

The module Interactive

It is the module that implements the interactive feature using the Term::ShellUI perl module. It uses the definitions of the objects to expand a command tree with the possible actions and required parameters.

The expansion is done using the object $Objects::Zcli as a template and creating the $Env::Zcli_cmd_st command struct.

ZCLI code uses following flow:

-> reloadCmdStruct
-> createZcliCmd
-> createCmdObject add_ids(recursively) create a temporality description using 'create_description'
-> gen_act:
    |-> $def->{ desc } = getCmdDescription(): creates the command syntaxis for the input arguments.
    |-> $def->{ proc } = geCmdProccessCallback(): is the subrutine that executes the ZAPI request.
    |-> $def->{ args } = getCmdArgsCallBack() : parses the input parameters and autocomplete the next expected parameter.
                | ->completeArgsBodyParams(): autocompletes the next expected HTTP body parameter, checking between keys and values in the JSON.
                    |-> listParams(): Do a ZAPI request without parameters to get the list of possible body parameters.