We should standard file case type to avoid sensitive case problem.
Uppercase case is not recommended, we encourage to use snake or kebab case.
e.g. components/Pascal/file.tsx
After using kebab case type of this plugin will output
[CheckCaseWebpackPlugin] src/components/Pascal/file.tsx does not respect kebab rule.
npm i check-case-webpack-plugin
const { CheckCaseWebpackPlugin } = require('check-case-webpack-plugin');
const webpackConfig = {
// context: 'your project path absolute path' // recommend define context.
plugins: [
new CheckCaseWebpackPlugin({})
// other plugins ...
// other webpack config ...
type ValidCaseType = 'kebab' | 'snake';
type CheckInfoType = 'warn' | 'error' | 'none';
interface ICaseCheckOptions {
caseType: ValidCaseType;
checkInfoType?: CheckInfoType;
exclude?: Array<RegExp>;
Choose case type you like.It's a required option.
- 'kebab' e.g.
- 'snake' e.g.
- 'kebab' e.g.
Choose info level you like. Default is
.- 'error' output webpack errors
- 'warn' output webpack warnings
- 'none' never output anything
exclude There ara some files you don't want to check, such as files in node_modules. Default is `[/node_modules/]
Recomend define context in webpack.config.js as check path will check webpack cwd path, if not some extra path will be checked.