Apply MASC to work with WAH in bitmap index for FastBit. FastBit is a successful archival data management software using bitmap index to accerlate the query speed.
MASC is a new bitmap index encoding algorithm, it is a descent of COMPAX with new designed codebook. MASC is the abbreviation of MAximized Stride with Carrier. In Chinese, it named "最大步进携带."
MASC performs better compression ratio and fast encoding speed compared with the state-of-the-art bitmap index compression algorithm, such as WAH (Word-Aligned-Hybrid), PLWAH(Position list word aligned hybrid) and COMPAX (COMPressed Adaptive indeX).
A detailed survey is introduced in the following paper.
[1] Zhen Chen et al., “A Survey of Bitmap Index Compression Algorithms for Big Data,” Tsinghua Science and Technology, 20(1), pp.100-115, February 2015.