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Explainer: Navigation to Unsigned Web Bundles
(a.k.a. Bundled HTTP Exchanges)

Last updated: Apr 07, 2020

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  1. Provide a way for users to share web content to other users who may be offline when they try to visit the content. This should work with their existing file-sharing apps, like SHAREit, Xender, or Google Files, which present the unit of sharing as a single file.

    A drawing of a person downloading a site, bundling its content, and passing it to a friend without their own connection to the internet.

    cloud Website {
      file page.html
      file image.png
    actor Distributor <<Human>>
    Website --> Distributor : normal browsing
    artifact website.bundle
    Distributor -> website.bundle : bundles
    website.bundle -> Friend
    note top of Friend : No connection\nto the internet!
  2. Provide a way for sites like to package their content so communities can fetch it once over a perhaps-expensive, slow, or otherwise sometimes-unavailable link and then share it internally without each recipient needing to be online when they get it.

    A drawing of a website bundling its own content, which it provides over an expensive, slow, or not-always-available link to one person, who passes it to their community over cheaper or more-reliable links.

    cloud Website {
      file page.html
      file image.png
      artifact website.bundle
      page.html --> website.bundle
      image.png --> website.bundle
    actor Distributor <<Human>>
    website.bundle -> Distributor : expensive/slow/sometimes-blocked\ninternet connection
    Distributor --> Friend1 : cheap network
    Distributor --> Friend2 : cheap network
    Distributor --> Friend3 : cheap network
  3. Provide a way for sites like to distribute archived content without having to rewrite all its internal links.

    A drawing of an archive bundling the contents of several other websites, and then passing those on to several users.

    cloud Website1 {
      file page1.html
      file image1.png
    cloud Website2 {
      file page2.html
      file image2.png
    cloud Website3 {
      file page3.html
      file image3.png
    cloud Archive {
      artifact website1.bundle
      page1.html --> website1.bundle
      image1.png --> website1.bundle
      artifact website2.bundle
      page2.html --> website2.bundle
      image2.png --> website2.bundle
      artifact website3.bundle
      page3.html --> website3.bundle
      image3.png --> website3.bundle
    actor User1
    actor User2
    actor User3
    website1.bundle --> User1
    website2.bundle --> User1
    website2.bundle --> User2
    website2.bundle --> User3
    website3.bundle --> User2
    website3.bundle --> User3

See the Considered alternatives section for a description of why the many existing bundling and archiving solutions don't work well for these use cases.


We propose to use the Web Bundle format, without origin-trusted signatures, to give users a format they can create from any website they're visiting, share it using existing peer-to-peer sharing apps, and then have a peer load it in their browser. The IETF's WPACK WG is chartered to continue developing this format.

Here's a demo video of this use-case for Web Bundles (a.k.a. Bundled HTTP Exchanges):

This explainer doesn't currently propose a standard way to identify all the resources from a loaded web page that need to be included in a bundle, or to identify a pre-packaged bundle that contains the current page. Instead it focuses on how to safely load and navigate within a bundle that's already created.

Relevant structure of a bundle

A bundle is loaded from a "bundle URL", and it contains a set of HTTP items, each with a "claimed URL", optional content negotiation information, and an HTTP response. The items are serialized in a particular order within the bundle, and this will affect the performance of loading the bundle when the bundle is loaded from a non-random-access medium (like the network), but it doesn't affect the semantics of the bundle.

Each response might or might not be an authoritative response based on considerations below, and we intend the next version of the format to include a flag stating whether the bundle's distributor (not necessarily the original publisher) expects the responses to be authoritative.

The bundle URL might be a file:// URL containing private information like the user's name, which they might not want exposed to a website they saved for offline use.

Process of loading a bundle

When the browser navigates to an application/webbundle;v=___ resource, or opens a file that the filesystem identifies as that MIME type, it first parses the resource enough to pull out the bundle's primary URL and an indication of whether the responses in the bundle are expected to be authoritiative responses, which for unsigned bundles means the bundle is served from the origin that its resources claim.

An origin could use a "non-authoritative" bundle with same-origin resources to create a kind of suborigin.

The diagram below shows how signatures, flags, and primary URL of a WebBundle determine the mode in which the bundle is loaded.

When we navigate to a bundle, we parse the primary URL and some control flags and then follow the following conditional logic. If the bundle is not marked as expected-to-be-authoritative, its responses aren't treated as authoritative. if a resource's URL is within the bundle's scope  it's loaded as an authoritative resource. Determining whether the bundle's resources are correctly signed is outside the scope of this explainer, but that's another way to have the resources treated as authoritative. Otherwise it's treated as a redirect to the claimed URL.

:Navigation to an application/webbundle resource;
:Parse primary URL and control flags;
if (Is bundle expected\nto be authoritative?) then (yes)
  if (The primary URL is\nwithin the //unsigned//\n//bundle scope//?) then (yes)
  elseif (Correctly signed?\n(Outside the scope\nof this document)) then (yes)
  else (no)
    :Redirect to the primary URL;
  :Load as authoritative responses;
else (no)
  :Load as non-authoritative responses;

The following sections describe how bundles are loaded in each mode.

Loading an authoritative unsigned bundle

The browser selects an unsigned bundle scope that's based on the bundle's URL in the same way the service worker's scope restriction is based on the URL of the service worker script. If the bundle is served with the Service-Worker-Allowed header, that sets the unsigned bundle scope to the value of that header. (We are also considering using a differently-named header that applies only to bundles.)

Browsers might also provide a way for device manufacturers to define an area of the local filesystem that can serve authoritative unsigned bundles without any scope restriction. This would make it easier to pre-install applications in a way that has a chance of working across different browsers.

The browser redirects to the bundle's primary URL. If that primary URL is within the unsigned bundle scope, it also attaches the bundle itself and its unsigned bundle scope to the redirect and the subsequent environment settings object. That is, the bundle is treated as just a very expensive redirect if it tries to claim URL space it's not allowed to define.

Subsequent subresource requests will also only be served from the bundle if they're inside its scope.

Loading a non-authoritative bundle

The browser redirects to a URL that refers to the bundle's primary URL inside its bundle, with the bundle itself attached.

APIs like Window.location and Document.URL return the claimed URL and not the full encoded URL.

Subsequent loads with an attached bundle

The bundle that's attached to the request above will eventually get attached to the environment settings object created for the response, from where subsequent fetches can use it.

All fetches, both navigations and subresources, check inside the bundle before going to the network and keep propagating the bundle to new environment settings objects. For authoritative bundles, the logic above for redirecting to the network still applies if a contained resource is outside the authoritative scope. For non-authoritative bundles, we're not sure if subresource requests should be able to touch the network at all.

Service Workers

We plan to, but haven't yet, defined an API to expose authoritative resources within bundles to that origin's service worker. This API should allow the service worker to fill its cache with the contents of the bundle.

Open design questions

Do we need an "internal redirect" notion for the bundle->primary-URL redirect?

See also whatwg/fetch#576.

Authoritative responses or bundles

Should we mark entire bundles as authoritative vs non-authoritative or make it possible to mark the individual resources differently within the same bundle?

It seems simpler to mark the bundle as a whole, and there might be footguns in letting people mark different resources differently, but ultimately HTTP relies on describing each response, so we could allow them to be different.

Network access

Should non-authoritative bundles be able to go to the network at all? Should users be able to explicitly grant permission?

Under repressive governments, non-authoritative bundles may be a good way for dissidents to share information, but if the government can add their own tracking code to the bundles, they may be able to catch people using the banned information.

However, there are also use cases like for sharing book previews, where a publisher might want to provide both a free preview and the encrypted rest of the book in the same unsigned bundle, while letting users buy a small decryption key with an online flow. On the other hand, perhaps that use case should use the signed bundles that aren't being proposed in this explainer.

Non-origin-trusted signatures

While this explainer doesn't propose any particular ways to use any signatures in the bundle, there are several options:

  • Support signature-based SRI.
  • Display a real-world publisher for the content, which is especially useful for books.
  • Allow the application to pin updates to a particular signing key. (Which has risks.)
  • Grant access to some particularly-powerful API because the signature vouches that a trusted auditor checked the package for malicious behavior.

Anticipated questions

Why does the distributor control expected authority?

The distributor, rather than the publisher, defines whether responses in a bundle are expected to be authoritative because we can't stop them and because it doesn't give them any extra power.

There are 3 cases:

  1. The resource is authoritative: For an unsigned bundle to be authoritative, the publisher has to be the distributor. We're not dealing with signed bundles in this explainer.
  2. The resource is not authoritative:
    1. The publisher marked the resources as expected-to-be-authoritative, but the distributor changed that to expected-to-not-be-authoritative:

      Without encryption, the distributor could build an entrely new bundle with the same content

    2. The publisher marked the resources as expected-to-not-be-authoritative, but the distributor changed that to expected-to-be-authoritative:

      This causes a redirect to the claimed URL. Since the resource isn't authoritative, the distributor could have rewritten the resource itself into a redirect, accomplishing the same effect.

Security and privacy considerations

  • Unsigned bundles served by one origin can't be trusted to provide content for another origin. The URL design and the division between authoritative and non-authoritative bundles are designed to keep separate origins safely separate, but this is more than a trivial amount of complexity, and browsers will need to be careful to actually enforce the boundaries.

  • It's straightforward for someone serving an unsigned bundle to include a unique ID in the resources within that bundle. If the bundle can then make network requests, the author can determine a rough number and set of IP addresses who received a copy of the same download. If the author can additionally convince the user to log in or enter other identifying information, they can identify the set of users who are connected. This is detectable if users have a way to inspect two bundles that are supposed to hold the same content, but since the whole point of sharing bundles is to reduce redundant transfers, it's unlikely many users will actually check this.

    Sites currently gather information on this kind of link sharing by annotating their URLs with unique or semi-unique IDs. These can usually be removed by removing query parameters, but if a significant number of users cleaned their URLs, the tracking could move to path segments.

  • The path of a locally-saved bundle may include private information like a username. As Loading a non-authoritative bundle suggests, the URL of the bundle itself needs to be hidden from web APIs to avoid exposing this.

Potential help to anti-adblock

By providing a standard format to represent a whole website, these bundles might make it easier for advertising networks to disguise their resources from url-based ad blockers that take input like

To make it impossible to add a URL-based rule to block an ad, all of the URLs used to load the ad's content need to be indistinguishable from the URLs used for wanted content. That's difficult for an ad network in general because they value being able to update the code that renders ads and to select the ads themselves in real time. This leads most to work by having publishers add a static piece of HTML to their site, like (from and

<script data-ad-client="ca-pub-1234567890123456" async
<script async="async"

This link out to some dynamic online resource acts as a drag on the ad network's ability to avoid EasyList blocks. To avoid the online request, the ad network needs to be able to transform the publisher's HTML as often as they want to change their code or ad choice. Today, they could do this by giving the publisher some code to integrate into the publisher's site-building software that would pull down the latest ad network code and serve it from an obfuscated URL. This could be especially easy for a publisher whose site is based on Wordpress, since it takes plugins in a common format and constitutes a large proportion of all sites.

With bundles, they could instead have publishers publish their pages to bundles and let the ad network transform the bundles to embed ads before the publisher serves them. If bundles become very widely used, that might reduce the ad network's maintenance burden. Even then, the publisher would still need to be able to generate their sites dynamically in order to let ad networks select ads.

It seems unlikely that ad networks will abandon their ability to dynamically choose ads, even in order to avoid ad blockers, and if they wanted to do so, they could do it without bundles for a significant fraction of sites.

Non-advertising scripts that "ad" blockers want to block have an easier job today, meaning web packaging helps them less. already describes how to disguise the names in a fingerprinting script and inline it into, for example, a rollup.js bundle.

Security/Privacy Questionaire

This section contains answers to the W3C TAG Security and Privacy Questionnaire.

1. What information might this feature expose to Web sites or other parties, and for what purposes is that exposure necessary?

If we allow network access from non-authoritative bundles, they could be abused to identify the set of people who have copies of the same download.

We're blocking access to the package: URL because for local bundles that would include the path of the bundle.

2. Is this specification exposing the minimum amount of information necessary to power the feature?


3. How does this specification deal with personal information or personally-identifiable information or information derived thereof?

This feature blocks access to local paths, which might otherwise be exposed by the package: scheme.

4. How does this specification deal with sensitive information?

See #3.

5. Does this specification introduce a new state for an origin that persists across browsing sessions?

This proposal introduces a new kind of origin with state that persists across browsing sessions. Specifically, the package: scheme defines an origin based on the location or the URL of the bundle itself, and the claimed URL inside the bundle.

6. What information from the underlying platform, e.g. configuration data, is exposed by this specification to an origin?


7. Does this specification allow an origin access to sensors on a user’s device


8. What data does this specification expose to an origin? Please also document what data is identical to data exposed by other features, in the same or different contexts.

Network requests (e.g. fetch or iframe) from the unsigned bundle could expose IP address of the user, in the same way as regular navigation does. See also this section about how network requests from non-authoritative bundles should be performed or not.

Navigation and subresource requests within the unsigned bundle scope of an authoritative bundle should expose strictly less information than loading each contained resource directly from the server, since it stops exposing the time that resource was needed.

9. Does this specification enable new script execution/loading mechanisms?


10. Does this specification allow an origin to access other devices?


11. Does this specification allow an origin some measure of control over a user agent’s native UI?


12. What temporary identifiers might this specification create or expose to the web?

This explainer avoids exposing the new URL scheme for non-authoritative bundles to the web, as the bundle URL piece of the authority can include private information including identifiers.

13. How does this specification distinguish between behavior in first-party and third-party contexts?

For navigation, this specification itself doesn’t distinguish between behavior in first-party (i.e. top-level navigation) and third-party (i.e. iframe or nested navigation) and doesn't affect other constraints on navigations.

A first-party bundle (that is, one whose claimed URLs are same-origin with the bundle itself) can provide authoritative responses, while a third-party one must not (as this explainer doesn't cover signed bundles).

For subsequent subresource loading with an attached bundle, again there is no particular difference from regular subresource loading, and origins between different claimed URLs for each resource is distinguished as different third-party origins.

14. How does this specification work in the context of a user agent’s Private Browsing or "incognito" mode?

This specification doesn't interact with Private Browsing, although it would be plausible to make Private Browsing affect the default state of the Network access open design question.

15. Does this specification have a "Security Considerations" and "Privacy Considerations" section?

See the security considerations in the format specification, security and privacy considerations in this explainer, and the open design questions in this explainer.

16. Does this specification allow downgrading default security characteristics?

Similarly to Service Workers, this specification allows a resource fetched from one path to provide responses for another path within the same origin. For Service Workers, that's the Service Worker script itself; here it's the Web Bundle. Both are constrained by default to only override the subtree of paths rooted at their own directory, and someone with control of the server's response headers can loosen the constraint using the Service-Worker-Allowed response header (or possibly a differently-named header for bundles).

17. What should this questionnaire have asked?

Considered alternatives

Alternate formats considered

There are several existing ways to serialize a web page or website, but all of them have shortcomings for the use cases we're focusing on:

Save as directory tree

This is currently supported by Chromium and Firefox using the Save As... | Webpage, Complete dialog. The result is a whole directory, which doesn't match the sharing models of the existing apps.

Save as MHTML

This is currently supported by Chromium using the Save As... | Webpage, Single File dialog.

MHTML isn't a random-access format, which means that the entire prefix of the file needs to be parsed to get to any particular resource. This probably wouldn't be an issue for single web pages, but for full websites or bundles of multiple websites, it can be slow.

MHTML would need an extension to support content negotiation between multiple representations at the same URL.

Although this wouldn't be a good reason to avoid MHTML on its own, we can do better nowadays than a text format with boundary strings.

Save as Web Archive

This is currently supported by Safari using the Save As... | Web Archive dialog.

A Web Archive is in the semi-documented binary plist format and doesn't support random access or content negotiation either. Web Archives also currently allow UXSS if a user opens one from an untrustworthy source.


WARC was designed for archiving websites and is in active use by the Internet Archive and many other web archives. It includes more information about the archival process itself than MHTML does. Most of this extra information would probably be irrelevant to the use cases in this document, although the archival timestamp could be useful.

Like MHTML, WARC is not random access.

Mozilla Archive Format

"The MAFF format is designed to work in the same way as when a saved page is opened directly from a local file system", which means that response headers can't be encoded at all. MAFF also doesn't pick one of its contained pages as the default one, so there's nothing to navigate to if a user just opens the MAFF as a whole.

As a ZIP file, each of the subresources of one of the contained pages can be accessed randomly, but MAFF doesn't appear to define any way for the pages to link to each other.

A bespoke ZIP format

ZIP is nicely random access if we encode the resource URL into the path. However, URLs aren't quite paths, so we would probably need to encode them.

ZIP holds files, so we would need to encode any content negotiation information and response headers into the stored files.

The ZIP format has some ambiguities in parsing it that have led to vulnerabilities in Android.

ZIP files place their index at the end, which allows them to be generated incrementally or updated by simply appending new data. However, the trailing authoritative index prevents a consumer from processing anything until the complete file is received. Streaming isn't particularly useful for the peer-to-peer transfer use case, but it allows the same format to be used for subresource bundles (which will have a separate explainer).

Stakeholder feedback

  • W3CTAG: ?
  • Browsers:
    • Safari: ?
    • Firefox: In progress
    • Samsung: ?
    • UC: ?
    • Opera: ?
    • Edge: ?
  • Web developers: ?
  • ESCAPE workshop attendees:
    • "Several participants reported that in areas where Internet access is expensive, slow, or intermittent, the use of direct peer-to-peer file exchange (e.g., "saving a Web site and sharing it on a USB stick") is commonplace. Most Web browsers already have some affordances for this, but these are recognized as in need of improvements. … Many participants pointed out that using "unsigned bundles" - that is, Web Packages without Signed Exchanges - could be adequate for this use case, since most users don't need cryptographic proof of the site's identity. However, some expressed concerns that this might worsen the propagation of falsehood." — section 2.2
    • Dave Cramer of Hachette expressed "hope for a packaging model", but was concerned by several questions: "How would packaging work with paid content, from paywalls to micropayments to the traditional ebook model of selling content directly? This is our big question. Advertising shouldn’t be the only model for supporting content creation on the web, and the web shouldn’t be designed around only this one model. We have many other questions, of course. How would unsigned exchanges work? What happens when you GET a package? Can packages be used for ad-hoc content distribution? I email you a package; you double-click and it opens in your browser. How can web packaging become as simple as PDF?"
    • "From an archival standpoint, the potential for Web content to be provided in a self-contained form was viewed positively.", but archivists were worried that content producers might not package their content enough to make it fully effective. They also thought packages might improve the "situation for archival replay".
    • Dan York of the Internet Society offered use cases for packaging web content focused on availability in low bandwidth / high latency environments. More specifically, part of the Internet Society's work involves reaching people who only have have limited connectivity to the Internet, e.g. WiFi at a few local places that people visit to download content that they want to read or watch later. The ability to package web content would be useful in such context. The Internet Society is also working with communities where the electricity is unreliable, which negatively impacts Internet access as a result. There are also cases where communities only have periodic connectivity via satellite connections. Here again, these communities could benefit from the ability to download a package of content, either for learning or reading even in the absence of connectivity.
  • Computer vendors: Interest in using bundles to represent pre-installed applications.


Many people have helped in the design of web packaging in general. The design of the URL scheme was helped in particular by: