Python tool to talk to Home Connect appliances over the local network (no cloud required)
Dishwasher Bosch SMV4HCX48E/24
This is a very, very beta interface for Bosch-Siemens Home Connect devices through their local network connection. Unlike most IoT devices that have a reputation for very bad security, BSG seem to have done a decent job of designing their system, especially since they allow a no-cloud local control configuration. The protocols seem sound, use well tested cryptographic libraries (TLS PSK with modern ciphres) or well understood primitives (AES-CBC with HMAC), and should prevent most any random attacker on your network from being able to take over your appliances to mine cryptocurrency.
WARNING: This tool not ready for prime time and is still beta!
More Information for details see:
- Python 3.11.9 or Docker app with Python 3.11.9
- Valid singlekey-id account (username, password)
- Device registered with singlekey-id account
- Application configuration (config.json)
- Homeconnect Devices configuration (devices.json)
To avoid running into issues later with your default python installs, it's recommended to use a py virtual env for doing this.
I have had good experiences with pyenv
With pyenv
you can use your own Python versions / virtual environment for each application.
Go to your desired test directory (for example: /dockerapps/homeconnect), and:
⚡ root@linux: pyenv --version
⚡ root@linux: pyenv install 3.11.9
⚡ root@linux: pyenv virtualenv 3.11.9 apps
⚡ root@linux: cd /dockerapps
⚡ root@linux: git clone
⚡ root@linux: cd /dockerapps/homeconnect-hcpy
⚡ root@linux: pyenv local apps
⚡ root@linux: pip install -r requirements.txt
⚡ root@linux: pip install pipreqs
⚡ root@linux: pip install pyclean
This application (
) will establish websockets to the local devices and
transform their messages into MQTT JSON messages.
The exact format is likely to change; it is currently a thin translation layer over
the XML retrieved from cloud servers during the initial configuration.
Start App
- Check and load config.json
- Check and load devices.json
- If not present login to Homeconnect to get the devices.json
- Connect local to the device
- Get the device state data
- Publish the device state data
- MQTT Payload
- Wait for next device state data
Template for the config.json
see: config.json
After the config.json
is valid in the ./config directory, the application can be started with the python command:
⚡ root@linux: /dockerapps/homeconnect: python
If no devices.json
is present, the application perfoms the
OAuth process to login to your Home Connect account with your usename and password.
It receives a bearer token that can then be used to retrieves
a list of all the connected devices, their authentication
and encryption keys, and XML files that describe all of the
features and options and saves the data to the devices.json
- Valid singlekey-id account (username, password) see
- Device registered with singlekey-id account
This only needs to be done once or when you add new devices; the resulting configuration JSON file *should* be sufficient to connect to the devices on your local network, assuming that your mDNS or DNS server resolves the names correctly.
- if no
is present (hc_username, hc_password)
- if no
- Check whether the device
is accessible via the network - Optional change
entry toIP Address
- Optional add
section to prevent 400/404 errors - Optional add
section if a power meter, water meter is present
- Check whether the device
- Change LOGLEVEL to
, see:devices.json
- Change LOGLEVEL to
Optiona Test hcpy Testcase
- check Issues hcpy2-0
Result for Dishwasher Bosch SMV4HCX48E/24 s see: devices.json
The application can also be installed with a Docker installation.
A local Docker image is created with
and then installed.
Build script see: Docker build script
Go to your desired test directory, and:
⚡ root@linux: /dockerapps/homeconnect: bash
NEW hcpy lib files
- Replace print, dprint with
- Replace print, dprint with
to get thedevices.json
on first start- loading
instead ofsettings.ini
- simple dishwascher state manager
to get the energie- and water consumption
- self.device_id = base64url_encode(get_random_bytes(6)).decode("UTF-8")
- self.device_id = base64url_encode(get_random_bytes(6)).decode("UTF-8")
Disabled Error 404,400
added section
see: devices.json -
added section
With the entries in theaddons
section, additional components can be created. For example, to record the energy and water consumption per session, a Sonoff device is used as apower meter
and anESP water meter
is used for water consumption. see: devices.json
NEW paho-mqtt Version: 2.1.0
MQTT version 5.0 client
The application always sends an MQTT message when something has changed in the states
Sample output see: payload.json
Instead of MQTT Discovery, I use an MQTT template (see directory /homeassistant/dishwasher.yaml
) to use the device with the settings in Homeassistant.
Why are the resource data evaluated but not translated (see payload.json)
How do the options work for the appliance options (see lines 134 -138)
if "options" in data: for option in data["options"]: option_uid = option["uid"] if str(option_uid) not in self.features: raise ValueError(f"Unable to configure appliance. Option UID {option_uid} is not" " valid for this device.")