This is higly customizable graph card for Home-Assistant's Lovelace UI.
Graph ChartJS Chart Version 2.1.5
for Home Assistant - Visualize your data in different ways- BAR
- ; each of them animated and customisable. Respects the set Homeassistant locale
for numbers and dates.
It is based on chart.js and offers most of the features of the library - datasource home-assitant history
or influx database queries
If you find any information on this page useful, feel free to buy me a coffee:
Download the latest release, unzip and copy the folder
into yourconfig/www/community
directory or download the latest main version from (all files) to theconfig/www/community
directory. -
Add a reference to
inside yourui-lovelace.yaml
or at the top of the raw config editor UI:resources: - url: /hacsfiles/chart-card/chart-card-min.js type: module
You can see all the ways to use
Lovelace - graph-chartjs-card
in the usage documentation.
## -------------------------------------
## all settings for a custom-chart-card
## -------------------------------------
- type: 'custom:chart-card'
## all for the card
title: '{text: card-titel}'
icon: '{text: card-title-icon}'
height: {height-chard: number}px
chart: '{chart-type: line|radar|bar|horizontalBar|pie|doughnut|polarArea|bubble|scatter}'
## optional settings for chart
showstate: {boolean: true|false}
debug: {boolean: true|false}
cardtimestamp: {boolean: true|false}
title: '{text: titel}'
title_sensor: '{text: table-header sensor}'
title_mean: '{text: table-header mean value}'
title_min: '{text: table-header min value}'
title_max: '{text: table-header max value}'
title_current: '{text: table-header current value}'
title_timestamp: '{text: table-header timestamp}'
visible: {boolean: true|false}
loader: '{text: audio|ball-triangle|bars|circles|grid|hearts|'
update_interval: {integer: secunds}
## otional settings for data scales (time-series)
range: {integer}
unit: '{text: second|minute|hour|day|month|year}'
format: '{text: dateformat pattern}'
factor: {number: factor}
ignoreZero: {boolean: true|false}
aggregate: '{text: first|last|sum|mean|max|min|range|midrange}'
mode: '{text: category|time}'
## optional chart.js options (see chart.js documentation)
position: '{text: top|right|left|bottom}'
display: {boolean: true|false}
alignToPixels: {boolean: true|false}
stacked: {boolean: true|false}
offset: {boolean: true|false}
display: {boolean: true|false}
text: '{text: axis-title}'
alignToPixels: {boolean: true|false}
stacked: {boolean: true|false}
display: {boolean: true|false}
text: '{text: axis-title}'
## optional options for all entities
- options:
unit: '{text: unit-text}'
ignoreZero: {boolean: true|false}
- entity: '{text: entity-id}'
## optional settings for the current entity (1st)
name: '{text: display-text}'
attribute: '{text: entity-attribute-name}'
unit: '{text: unit-text}'
ignoreZero: {boolean: true|false}
aggregate: '{text: first|last|sum|mean|max|min}'
style: ## see chart.js documentation
backgroundColor: '{text: HEX|RGB|RGBA color}'
- entity: '{text: entity-id}'
## optional settings for the current entity (2nd)
name: '{text: display-text}'
attribute: '{text: entity-attribute-name}'
factor: {number: factor}
aggregate: '{text: first|last|sum|mean|max|min}'
style: ## see chart.js documentation
backgroundColor: '{text: HEX|RGB|RGBA color}'
## optional influxdb datasource
- entity: '{text: entity-id}'
dataid: '{text: unique id}'
influxdb: '{text: influxdb connection}'
query: '{text: influxdb SQL statement}'
token: '{text: btoa(user:passwort)}'
For chartOptions
, see: Chart.js documentation
It's easy to get started with Lovelace - graph-chartjs-card
. All that's required is the libraries included in your Home-assistant installation to render the charts.
In this example, we create a bar chart for a two dataset and render that in the lovelace page. Data source, read weight measurements from Xiaomi Body Scales....
- type: 'custom:chart-card'
title: 'Makro Nährstoffe'
icon: 'mdi:nutrition'
chart: 'bar'
display: true
text: 'Aufteilung Nährstoffe (kal) pro Tag'
color: '#ff9500'
- entity: sensor.eiweis_makronahrstoff
name: Eiweis
- entity: sensor.fett_makronahrstoff
name: Fett
- entity: sensor.kohlenhydrate_makronahrstoff
name: Kohlenhydrate
You can see all the ways to use Lovelace - graph-chartjs-card
in the usage documentation.
- YAML to JSON Online - Use this online tool to convert YAML into JSON.
- JSON to YAML Online - Use this online tool to convert JSON into YAML.
- Chart.js v3 - Chart.js - Simple yet flexible JavaScript charting for designers & developers
- Chart.js Official Guide - The user guide and documentation site.
- Chart.js Samples - Simple yet flexible JavaScript charting for designers & developers
- Colors with Chart.js & D3's - Automatically Generate Chart Colors with Chart.js & D3's Color Scales...
- SVG Loaders - SVG-Loaders...
- Colors Wall - Place to store your color Palettes
- UI gradients - uiGradients - Beautiful colored gradients
Evert Timberg - Maintainer of @chartjs
Jukka Kurkela - Maintainer of @chartjs & Plugins for chartjs
sdelliot - Lovelace Pie Chart Card
cheelio - Lovelace power usage graph card
is available under the MIT license.