For this assignment, I was tasked with creating an Android application with various games using images of cars.
This app, like the other Android assignment, had very specific constraints regarding functionality and UI. I fleshed out the app as much as I could within these constraints. Personally, I would have designed these apps differently, but the current iteration demonstrates my technical ability in creating these applications.
The main activity where the user can select 1 of 4 games to play
Identify the brand activity:
Given an image of a car, select the matching brand from the dropdown.
Hints activity:
Hangman-style game where you guess the brand from the image.
Identify the car activity:
Given a brand, select which 1 of 3 car images matches the brand.
Advanced activity:
Enter the name of each brand of car shown. A running score is kept as the user progresses.
Final Grade: 92
COM594 Advanced Mobile Technology Assignment 1