A Star Wars search app with autocomplete, built using Shadcn UI, Tailwind CSS, Redux Toolkit Query, and SWAPI api.
Autocomplete Search:
Search across all Star Wars entities (people, planets, films, species, vehicles, starships) as you type, with dynamic suggestions. -
Category-Based Results:
Search results are grouped by category, displaying the top 3 matches per category for a more organized experience. -
"View All" Button:
Easily view all results for a specific category with a "View All" button, leading to a dedicated category page. -
Category Pages:
Each category page displays a complete list of results for a selected category, pulled directly from the SWAPI API. -
Edit Feature:
Each result can be edited directly on the category page, allowing for flexible data interaction. -
Create Feature:
You can add a new character to the table using the “Create” button, allowing you to expand the list of characters.
- ReactJS
- Vite
- TypeScript
- Tailwind
- Redux Toolkit Query
- shadcn/ui
- Radix UI
- React Hook Form
- yup
- Lucide
- ESLint
To run this application locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/zivab/Starwars-Search-App.git
Access the project
cd Starwars-Search-App
Install Frontend dependencies
pnpm install
Start the Frontend development server
pnpm run dev
The Frontend will run on http://localhost:5173