- Nine Men's Morris game written in Java with an approachable user interface.
- Developed by Ben Garver, Nik McKnight, Justin Thomas, Zach Halderwood, and Mohamud Abdi in Fall 2020 for the purpose of studying Foundations of Software Engineering at the University of Missouri - Kansas City
- We are using a modified version of Scrum development process with software engineering principles.
Teammate information - email accounts, team ratings, etc.
Working user stories/acceptance criteria - make edits here and I (Zach) will add them to this readme
Report due by 10/13/20
User stories & acceptance criteria for sprint 1:
As a player, I want... | so that... | Acceptance criteria |
To place a piece | I can form a mill | Piece is placed in an empty spot. Piece is removed from player’s stack of pieces. |
To form a mill | I can remove my opponent’s piece | True when 3 pieces for one player are placed in a line. Checks after every piece is placed. |
To remove my opponent’s piece | I can win the game | Allows player to select an opponent’s piece to be removed. Opponent’s piece is successfully removed. Checks if opponent is down to 2 pieces. |
To be congratulated when I win a game | The victor is evident | Declares victory for player when opponent reaches two pieces |
To “fly” my pieces around the board (3rd phase) | So that I have a chance to turn the match to my favor | Allows player with only 3 pieces to move their pieces anywhere |
Report due by 11/10/20
User stories & acceptance criteria for sprint 2:
As a player, I want... | so that... | Acceptance criteria |
To keep track of match wins/losses | I can have a tournament with another player | Keeps score. Clears board. Resets number of pieces. Allows game to restart. |
To identify myself by name in the game | To help me track whose turn it is and my total wins/losses | Allows player to change “White Player” or “Black Player” to something else |
To know how many game pieces I have left to place (1st phase) | I can strategize where all my pieces might go | Shows stack of pieces off to the side of the board or just a number |
Report due by 12/8/20
User stories & acceptance criteria for sprint 3:
As a player, I want... | so that... | Acceptance criteria |
To play 3, 6, or 12 Men’s Morris | I can have more variety in my life | Board changes to correct board. Player is given appropriate number of pieces. |