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ENGR 440 - Report of Distributed Streaming Project

Author: Zoltan Debre (300360191) - Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Original repository:

Latest version of this document (Markdown):

Latest version of this document (PDF):

Table of Content:

1. Abstract

The main goal of this project is to build a basic environment for streaming data from one or more source, pipe through via a stream management platform which can be accessed by different consumer.

Our distributed streaming platform is Apache Kafka, the main consumer of the streaming data is an Apache Spark application.

Data source is a freely available financial data stream. The German Stock Exchange daily transaction history is available on an S3 bucket and it is part of the Amazon Open Data Registry.

This implementation provides a user interface for downloading and preparing csv files. Furthermore we can select a prepared csv data file as data source for streaming. The streamed data flow consumed by a channel in our Kafka environment. This Kafka topic is watched by our Apache Spark app, which may process, aggregate, modify our distributed data flow.

You can run this project on your local machine if all the required development tool is available and locally installed, or you can just fire up a docker composer process to run all component in an isolated docker cluster.

1.1. Challenges and achievement

During the implementation I learned a lot about the following new technologies, frameworks and programming languages. It was really useful that my learning process was driven by an experiment, an application building project. It means I read a lots of documentation, played with examples and tutorials and finally I adopted and implemented in the project.

  • React.js
  • TypeScript
  • Nginx configuration
  • Node.js Streaming
  • Nest.js Framework
  • Apache Kafka
  • Apache Spark
  • Scala
  • Maven configuration
  • Docker Compose

One of a great achievement is a contribution to the open source community. During the implementation, I realized the Node.js Kafka connector TypeScript type definition is not up to date, so I proposed an update. It is part now the main Kafka Connector for Node.js.

Related commits and pull requests:

2. Architecture

2.1. Motivation

The original motivation was to build a cluster which can accept streaming data, can process it, modify and analyse it. The practicality is to create a dashboard platform where a user friendly, visualized environment help for the user to deal with a naturally complex and difficult to understand data stream.

2.2. System components

In modern cloud based architecture, the user interaction exposed to a frontend web application. The web application connects to a server based backend API, which has access to other part of the cluster. This cluster should be scalable and should manage high frequency data flow.

The following graph help us to see the individual components of this project and how they connect together.

Main components:

  • Frontend application
  • Backend application
  • Apache Kafka server
  • Apache Spark application

Main components

2.3. Running the project

You can try out this project running all components in a docker composed cluster, each component will run in a separated container and they will be connected with the default network inside the compose cluster.


  • Docker
  • Port 80 should be available or change the port mapping of the frontend app in docker-compose.yml

Run the project:

  • Clone this repository on your computer
  • Fire up the docker compose cluster:
docker-compose up
  • Open the frontend application in your browser: $ open http://localhost:80

Shutting down docker-compose (use an other terminal window for running this command):

docker-compose down


  • The first time building the maven based project is take a while, be patient.
  • Kafka generated files mapped to ./kafka/volumes folder. If the streaming doesn't start when you launch this project first time, please shut down the docker-compose cluster and start again. Second time, all the mapped volume and folder will be available and Kafka can start properly.

2.4. Run the project in developer mode

You can run all components locally. In this way you can easily debug and add new features.


The setup npm script will install individual packages and prepare the project for you. The start:dev will run all component's development script concurrently in the same terminal.

npm run setup
npm run start:dev

3. Implementation and challenges

3.1. Finding dataset for streaming experiment

For a streaming experiment we need a dataset which are not static. A good dataflow is more likely a stream of transactional data, like log data, or frequently changing status data, moving objects geolocation data, etc.

In our experiment we focused on something which is related to financial data.

An option could be using crypto currency data streams. For example CryptoCompare APIs. We can find example project how can you use it in your application: An other crypto currency API:

Amazon maintains a nice list of open dataset also:

So an other great option to choose from this list. In this experiment we use the German Stock Exchange, Deutsche Börse Public Dataset:

Important links:

As we can see on the Data Dictonary website, the Deutsche Börse Public Dataset contains XETRA and EUREX datasets with the following fields.

3.1.1. XETRA

Column Name Data Description Data Dictionary
ISIN ISIN of the security string
Mnemonic Stock exchange ticker symbol string
SecurityDesc Description of the security string
SecurityType Type of security string
Currency Currency in which the product is traded ISO 4217 string (see
SecurityID Unique identifier for each contract int
Date Date of trading period date
Time Minute of trading to which this entry relates time (hh:mm)
StartPrice Trading price at the start of period float
MaxPrice Maximum price over the period float
MinPrice Minimum price over the period float
EndPrice Trading price at the end of the period float
TradedVolume Total value traded float
NumberOfTrades Number of distinct trades during the period int

3.1.2. EUREX

Column Name Data Description Data Dictionary
ISIN ISIN of the security string
MarketSegment The product market segment, following the convention on string
UnderlyingSymbol The underlying security string
UnderlyingISIN ISIN of any underlying security string
Currency Currency in which the product is traded ISO 4217 string (see
SecurityType Type of instrument string - OPT (option), FUT (future)
MaturityDate Maturity date of the security date
StrikePrice Strike price float
PutOrCall Type of option string - PUT, CALL
MLEG Identifies multi-leg options string
ContractGenerationNumber The generation number for options contracts int
SecurityID Unique identifier for each contract int
Date Date of trading period date
Time Minute of trading to which this entry relates time (hh:mm)
StartPrice Trading price at the start of period float
MaxPrice Maximum price over the period float
MinPrice Minimum price over the period float
EndPrice Trading price at the end of the period float
NumberOfContracts Number of contracts traded during the period int
NumberOfTrades Number of distinct trades during the period int


For a simple experiment, it is enough to download only one or two csv files manually and using them in our application, so it can be a quick solution. However in this project, we build a simple user interface to pick a date in our frontend application, and the backend app downloads all the available csv files from that date, concatenate them to one file. Using an other frontend interface we can choose a downloaded, concatenated csv file for streaming.

4. Frontend Application

The frontend application is a single page app. We use React.js view library for building this simple interface.

At this stage the following features are implemented:

  • Select date for downloading CSV data set from S3 buckets.
  • Select concatenated csv files and start streaming.
  • Sending heartbeat requests to checking the backend availability.

Most important external packages:

We can build a docker container also. It uses the production build of the React app. Basically, it is a simply static web content (html, css, js). We need a webserver for accessing these files. The docker container is a light nginx container, based on nginx:alpine package. Please note, nginx.conf file contains a proxy_pass configuration, which redirect /api targeted requests to a different port, in this cast to the backend.

location /api {
  proxy_pass http://backend:3000;

4.1. Screenshots

Home page with the heartbeat indicator:

Frontend Home Page

Downloader page:

Downloader page

Date picker:

Date picker

List of downloaded csv files. Clicking one of them start the streaming process in the background.

Start streaming

During development we can use the following npm scripts:

  "scripts": {
    "start:dev": "PORT=3001 react-scripts-ts start",
    "build": "CI=true react-scripts-ts build",
    "test:watch": "react-scripts-ts test --env=jsdom",
    "test": "react-scripts-ts test --env=jsdom --coverage",
    "eject": "react-scripts-ts eject",
    "lint": "tslint --project tsconfig.json --config tslint.json --fix",
    "docker:build": "npm run build & docker build -t zoltannz/kafka-spark-project-frontend .",
    "docker:run": "docker run -p 80:80 zoltannz/kafka-spark-project-frontend:latest"

npm run start:dev - for launching the development server

npm run build - building production code

npm run test:watch - start watch script for tests

npm run test - running tests once

npm run eject - create react app script to build custom Webpack configuration

npm run lint - running TypeScript linter: tslint

npm run docker:build - building individual docker container with the production code

npm run docker:run - running the docker container and connect the webapp to port 80

4.2. Frontend - Important links

5. Backend Application

The main goal of this service that user can select a day and the selected day's data will be streamed by a Streaming Service.

Implemented features so far:

  • Listening for a heartbeat request on api/heartbeat endpoint.
  • Accepting POST request on api/downloader endpoint with a payload which contains a date.
  • Connecting to Amazon AWS S3 bucket.
  • Download csv files from S3 bucket based on the requested date.
  • Concatenate downloaded csv files to one file.
  • Providing a list for frontend about available csv files on api/data-files GET request.
  • Accepting POST request on api/data-files and start streaming.
  • Connecting to Apache Kafka client for streaming

Most important external packages:

  • For the implementation, I picked a TypeScript based Node.js framework Nest.js: (I haven't used this framework before, however it has nice abstractions for building lightweight API services.)
  • For connecting to Apache Kafka server the most up to date and maintained Kafka Connector package is kafka-node:
  • The kafka-node package TypeScript support was not up to date, so as a result of this project, I contributed and updated the open source package.

The Docker container of this app uses node:alpine container.

5.1. Implemented endpoints

URL Type Payload Description
http://localhost:3000/ GET Response 200 with a backend server is running message.
http://localhost:3000/api/heartbeat GET Response 200 for checking the server is live
http://localhost:3000/api/downloader POST date: DATE Call S3 downloader service to download and concatenate the given day's csv files.
http://localhost:3000/api/data-files GET Response an Array of filenames, which point to the downloaded and concatenated csv files.
http://localhost:3000/api/data-files POST fileName: STRING Posted filename will be selected and streamed to Kafka

5.2. NPM scripts

  "scripts": {
    "lint": "tslint --project ./tsconfig.json --fix",
    "start": "ts-node -r tsconfig-paths/register src/main.ts",
    "start:dev": "KAFKA_CONNECT=localhost:9092 nodemon --watch src",
    "build": "rm -rf dist && tsc",
    "prestart:prod": "npm run build",
    "start:prod": "node dist/main.js",
    "test:watch": "jest --watch",
    "test": "jest --coverage",
    "docker:build": "npm run build && docker build -t zoltannz/kafka-spark-project-backend .",
    "docker:run": "docker run -p 3000:3000 zoltannz/kafka-spark-project-backend:latest"

npm run lint - running TypeScript linter: tslint

npm run start - start the application with running src/main.ts file with ts-node

npm run start:dev - start the application with nodemon

npm run build - compile TypeScript to standard JavaScript

npm run start:prod - build the project and run the standard JavaScript version

npm run test:watch - run jest in watch mode

npm run test - run jest for testing

npm run docker:build - building the project and create a new docker image

npm run docker:run - running the related latest docker image

5.3. Backend - Important links

6. Kafka Cluster

We use Apache Kafka for consuming and streaming data flow. In our implementation we use a third party docker container to run Zookeeper and Kafka. You can find a kafka folder in our project, however, it is only a placeholder for temporary data which can be produced by the Docker container.

Apache Kafka container repository:

The first step is always reading the official documentation. This is important, we cannot skip it.

It is highly recommended to install an Apache Kafka instance on your local machine and play with it from your terminal to understand how the producers and consumers work.

Please note, if you run Apache Kafka in a Docker Compose cluster, on Mac OSX, you cannot access to the Kafka server from outside of the cluster, so you have to run a separated console in the cluster and connect to that container with docker exec. In our implementation, after you run docker-compose up, you can access to the Kafka instance with the following way:

Check the name of the kafka instance for the console.

docker ps

Use the kafka-console container's name to run a terminal inside the Docker Compose network. (In our case the docker instance name should be kafka-console.)

docker exec -it kafka-console /bin/bash

You can use the following commands for running producer or consumer:

/opt/kafka/bin/ --broker-list kafka-1:9092 --topic
/opt/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server kafka-1:9092 --topic --from-beginning

On Linux, you should be able to access to the Kafka instance from your host computer. Try it out.

Please note, we use one Apache Kafka topic in our implementation:

6.1. Kafka - Important links

7. Spark Application

Apache Spark is complex. I mistakenly started to implement Apache Spark tutorial application without reading the whole, detailed documentation. Using the tutorials and code examples only are not enough, because most of the examples outdated or not totally correct. For example, I found code examples where Scala and Java code was mixed.

I think, one of the most important when you would like to play with Spark, that you should read the documentation thoroughly.

I've run more experiments and documented those difficulties. You can see these in the SparkStreamer folder: SparkStreamer

The most important conclusions:

  • For learning and experimenting, run Spark session in local mode, using .config("spark.master", "local") configuration. In this case, you don't have to run a separated Spark cluster and you can easily debug and restart your Java or Scala application in your IntelliJ IDEA.
  • Use maven for managing and run your project. Setup maven packages properly. You can find a working configuration in our pom.xml.

7.1. Dockerization

Our docker container is a simply maven:alpine container.

You can build and run in our folder with the following commands:

docker build -t spark-streamer .
docker run spark-streamer:latest mvn exec:java

Using host machine maven repository:

docker run -v "$HOME/.m2":/root/.m2 spark-streamer:latest mvn exec:java 

7.2. Commands for development

Building our application:

mvn clean install

Running the application:

mvn exec:java

7.3. Spark - Important links

8. Appendix 1 - Original project proposal

8.1. Problem to solve

  • Providing data for a real-time networking/financial/e-commerce data dashboard which will be visualized on a website
  • Using Apache Kafka and Apache Spark to process data
  • The sample data can be for example network traffic details from a router, or buy and sell transaction of an online stock market or transactions about selling products in an online store or change of shipment status of ordered products.

8.2. Milestones

8.2.1. Introduction and fixing the data set, setup data stream using sample data (3 weeks)

  • Creating a more detailed system plan and data structure
  • Fixing the data set. Possible raw data set
  • Creating a sample data service to emulate realtime data stream.
  • In case, that we can use a third-party data set, we don’t have to generate our random raw data. (Otherwise we should write a Node.js app, which generates a high frequency data stream randomly. A data record or log would be data about the transaction date and time, transaction type, transaction amount.)
  • Optional: the real-time data will be stored in MongoDB/Cassandra cluster.
  • Output: data structure, associated documentation, test suit

8.2.2. Apache Kafka setup (3 weeks)

  • Configure an Apache Kafka environment in docker
  • Setup consumption and streaming of the real-time data set
  • The result of this phase: a working Kafka environment which streaming data so other consumers can use this stream.
  • Output: baseline performance valuation, unit tests, functional tests

8.2.3. Apache Spark setup (3 weeks)

  • Configure an Apache Spark environment in docker
  • Setup data aggregation with Spark
  • The output of this phase is an environment which provide an aggregated data in JSON format which can be consumed by a client application.
  • Additional output: unit and acceptance tests for testing the API interface

8.2.4. Client application (2 weeks)

  • Assessing and selecting a client solution. Good candidates: Tableau, PowerBI
  • Get JSON data via API
  • Visualize the real-time data in Tableau or PowerBI.

8.2.5. Documentation and presentation (1 week)

8.2.6. Suggested technologies

  • Each component containerized with Docker
  • Optionally using Kubernetes to manage containers and deployment
  • Tools: Apache Kafka, Apache Spark, Node.js, Cassandra (preferred, maybe MongoDB)

9. Appendix 2 - Node.js Streaming

9.1. A Node.js experiment about Streaming: Reading CSV file, transforming records to JavaScript Objects

We need to convert our csv files to JavaScript objects. (This is not implemented yet in the main project.) I created a separated Sandbox repository, where I played with different CSV parser package.


The goal is to read csv file data as data stream and convert it to JavaScript objects.

There are more NodeJS package for dealing with csv data. Please note, there is only one letter difference in their package name:

The second option, csv-parser, is one of the fastest NodeJS csv parser implementation, however, it is not so popular (only 18k download a week). Playing with these packages, simple performance test clearly showed that csv-parser is faster.

On the other hand csv-parse is much more popular (more than 250k downloads per week), it has TypeScript support out of the box and it provides more information about parsed lines, so the public API of this package is more advanced. So it is suggested to use this package in our project.

Detailed documentation about csv-parse:

9.2. Implementation details

Adding csv-parse to the project:

npm i -D @types/csv-parse
npm i -S csv-parse

(When you deal with files in NodeJS, fs-extra is the suggested package.)

import { createReadStream } from 'fs-extra';
import { Parse } from 'csv-parse';

// Create an instance with configuration
// `columns: true` option means the csv file first line will be used as column name and each column name will be added as 
// object property to the generated record object.
const csvParser = new Parse({ columns: true })

  .on('data', record => { /* deal with records as JavaScript Object */ })
  .on('end', () => { /* after processing, there are some extra information in csvParser, ex. csvParser.lines contains the number of processed records */ });