I created a website using HTML, CSS, PHP, jQuery, Bootstrap, and some JavaScript. Has a backend, front-end, login/register.
This website uses Procedural and OOP PHP because I typed out my code in diffrent areas.
It wasen't one big code. And I'm still learning OOP.
There are a couple of files you need to change if you want the admin backend to work.
Set Database Name, Username and Password.
Set admin Password and Username.
Set Database Name, Username and Password.
Set admin Password and Username.
Set Database Name, Username and Password.
Set admin Password and Username.
Set Database Name, Username and Password.
Set Database Name, Username and Password.
Set Database Name, Username and Password.
Set YOUR email address in the $to section
go into the 'admin' table that you made and set the admin password and username
go into the '_comments' table that you made and set isadmin for one of the users you made to '1'.
( To add a user, just comment in the comment section in the things_to_do page. )
This is not meant to be used commercially because it has security flaws.