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Zoom Video SDK Auth Endpoint sample

Use of this sample app is subject to our Terms of Use.

This is a Node.js / Express server that generates a Video SDK JWT via an HTTP request for authorized use of the Zoom Video SDK.

If you would like to skip these steps and just deploy the finished code to a managed service, click the Deploy to Railway/Render/Heroku button. (You will still need to configure a few simple things, so skip to Deployment.)

Railway Render Heroku
Deploy on Railway Deploy to Render Deploy

Note: Both Railway and Render have free tiers, but Heroku requires a credit card to deploy.


In terminal, run the following command to clone the repository:

$ git clone


  1. In terminal, cd into the cloned repository:

    $ cd videosdk-auth-endpoint-sample

  2. Then install the dependencies:

    $ npm install

  3. Rename .env.example to .env, edit the file contents to include your Zoom Video SDK key and secret, save the file contents, and close the file:

  4. Start the server:

    $ npm run start


Make a POST request to http://localhost:4000 (or your deployed url) with the following request body:

Property Type Required? Validation Rule(s)
sessionName string Yes - Required
- Value length be fewer than 200 characters
role number Yes - Required
- Must equal 0 or 1
expirationSeconds number No - Must be between 1800 (30 minutes) and 172800 (48 hours) seconds
userIdentity string No - Must be fewer than 35 characters
sessionKey string No - Must be fewer than 36 characters
geoRegions string No - Must be a comma-separated string with valid Zoom geo regions
cloudRecordingOption number No - Must equal 0 or 1
cloudRecordingElection number No - Must equal 0 or 1
telemetryTrackingId string No N/A

Example Request

POST http://localhost:4000

Request Body:

  "sessionName": "Cool Cars",
  "role": 1,
  "sessionKey": "session123",
  "userIdentity": "user123"

If successful, the response body will be a JSON representation of your signature:

  "signature": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhcHBfa2V5IjoiVklERU9fU0RLX0tFWSIsImlhdCI6MTY0NjI0ODc5NiwiZXhwIjoxNjQ2MjU1OTk2LCJ0cGMiOiJDb29sIENhcnMiLCJ1c2VyX2lkZW50aXR5IjoidXNlcjEyMyIsInNlc3Npb25fa2V5Ijoic2Vzc2lvbjEyMyIsInJvbGVfdHlwZSI6MH0.Y6C65mZUxTZFeGiOI6oW5q2UkIXe3nLTK0MVNkfiJ9c"

In the Video SDK, pass in the signature to the join() function:

// Make http request to your auth endpoint to get the Video SDK JWT

// Video SDK - web - example:

   signature: signature,
   topic: sessionName,
   userName: userName,
   password: sessionPasscode


Deploy to a Managed Service

  1. After clicking the "Deploy to <Provider>" button, enter a name for your app (or leave it blank to have a name generated for you), and insert your Zoom Video SDK credentials:

    • ZOOM_VIDEO_SDK_KEY (Your Zoom Video SDK Key, found on your Zoom Video SDK App's Credentials page)
    • ZOOM_VIDEO_SDK_SECRET (Your Zoom Video SDK Secret, found on your Zoom Video SDK App's Credentials page)
  2. Then click "Deploy App".

  3. Use your URL as your Video SDK Auth Endpoint.


$ curl <YOU_URL> -X POST -d '{  "sessionName": "Cool Cars",  "role": "1",  "sessionKey": "session123",  "userIdentity": "user123"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Other Server Hosting

  1. For Other Server Hosting information, see this tutorial.

  2. Use your deployed URL as your Video SDK Auth Endpoint.


Now you can generate your Video SDK JWT.

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