What is C++ STL ?
Standard Template Library found in C++.
No, STL is your best friend (okay 2nd best) that helps you unconditionally especially while you are solving questions on LeetCode or during contests.
VECTOR (click here)
using namespace std;
bool f(int x, int y)
return x > y;
// comparator funtion, used to sort in descreasing order if returns x>y.
int32_t main(){
// We use int32_t for faster compilation and also because main() should always return value
// accoring to 32bit system, even 64bit system use 32bit int.
// it turns off buffer synchronization between the cin stream and C-style stdio tools (like scanf or gets),
// so cin works faster, but you can't use it simultaneously with stdio tools.
// This line unties cin from cout — by default the cout buffer flushes each time when you read something from cin.
vector<int> v;
// v is a vector having 'n' elements with all being zeros.
// Insert values into vector
int n;
cin >> n;
vector<int> v(n); // v = {0,0,0,0,...}
for (int &x : v)
cin >> x;
vector<int> arr(5, 3); // {3,3,3,3,3}
vector<string> v(4, "hello World");
// intialising the vector with 4 hello World's
vector<int> v = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
auto it = v.end();
// does not point to last element of array i.e 5, but address after '5'
// points to address before '1'
// reverseBegin, points to 5
v.cbegin() OR v.cend();
// if you do not want to change iterator, 'c' - constatnt
// to get the last element, even if you do not know the size
// deletes first element
v.erase(v.begin() + (any number));
// deletes [any number] element
v.erase(v.begin() + 2, v.begin() + 4);
// [ele2, ele4) - does not delete the last element it points to
// return the size of vector in integers
// erase the last element
// size is automatically dec/inc after the operations
// = swap v1 <=> v2.
// earse the entire vector, no element.v.empty() - bool, kind of isEmpty(), check if its empty or not
// binary search - to search if an element is present
cout << "Check if 6 is present in vector ";
cout << binary_search(v.begin(), v.end(), 6) << endl; // iterates from begin to end and finds 6, if present
// lower bound:- The element just greater than given element
cout << "The lower bound for 5 is ";
cout << lower_bound(v.begin(), v.end(), 5) - v.begin() << endl;
// upper bound:- The element just smaller than the given element
cout << "The upper bound for 5 is ";
cout << upper_bound(v.begin(), v.end(), 5) - v.begin() << endl;
// maximum of two number
int a = 8, b = 10;
cout << "Maximum of " << a << " and " << b << " is " << max(a, b) << endl;
// minimum of two no.
cout << "Minimum of " << a << " and " << b << " is " << min(a, b) << endl;
// swap function to replace the value among themselves
swap(a, b);
// calling the reverse function
reverse(v.begin(), v.end());
// calling the rotate function
rotate(v.begin(), v.begin() + 1, v.end());
// sorting the container(Vector)
// it is based on intro sort(quick sort + heap sort + insertion sort)
// O(NlogN), else use merge sort
// in ascending order
sort(v.begin(), v.end());
// in descending order
sort(v.begin(), v.end(), greater<int>());
sort(v.begin(), v.end(), f);
// here f is a comparator function. Refer LIST section for more on comparator.
// sum of vector elements, where 'a' is the vector and '0' is the initial sum value
accumulate(a.begin(), a.end(), 0);
int arr[] = {2, 46, 15, 63, 5, 96};
int size = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
std::vector<int> vect(arr, arr + size);
set<int> s;
for (int i : vect)
vect.assign(s.begin(), s.end());
// remove duplicates without sorting
unordered_set<int> s;
for (int i : vect)
vect.assign(s.begin(), s.end());
void printV(vector<int> v)
for (int x : v)
cout << x << ' ';
cout << endl;
// Taking values
int n;
cin >> n;
vector<int> B(n, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
cin >> A[i];
vector<int> vec(5, 100);
// initialize with 5 element, each 100. // 100, 100, 100, 100, 100
vector<int> v(2, 100); // 100, 100
v.insert(v.begin(), 300); // 300, 100, 100
v.insert(v.begin() + 1, 2, 11); // 300, 11, 11, 100, 100
vector<int> v1(2, 50); // {50, 50}
v.insert(v.begin(), v1.begin(), v1.end()); // v = 50, 50, 300, 11, 11, 100, 100
// copy the 'v1' vector to 'v'.
vector<vector<int>> arr2(2, vector<int>(4, 10));
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
cout << arr2[i][j] << " ";
cout << endl;
// 10 10 10 10
// 10 10 10 10
vector<int> v = {2, 3, 4};
cout << v.capacity() << " " << v.size() << endl; // 3 3
cout << v.capacity() << " " << v.size() << endl; // 6 4
// capacity is the total size of the vector after push_back.
vector<int> ar = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
auto p1 = ar.begin(); // 1
auto p2 = ar.end(); // an address after '6'
auto it1 = next(p1, 3); // move 3 step from start 2->3->4
auto it2 = prev(p2, 3); // move 3 step from end towards start, 6->5->4
auto it3 = ar.begin();
advance(it3, 2); // advance is use to increment the value by certain number
cout << "The position of new iterator using next() is : ";
cout << *it1 << " ";
cout << endl;
cout << "The position of new iterator using prev() is : ";
cout << *it2 << " ";
cout << *it3 << " ";
cout << endl;
// print the vector
// iterator i in a for loop, this syntax cannot be used everywhere.
for (auto i : v)
cout << i << " ";
cout << endl;
// here v is {2,5,100,100,100,123}
// to find the first element >= to 100 in a vector, O(logN)
vector<int>::iterator it = lower_bound(A.begin(), v.end(), 100);
auto it = lower_bound(v.begin(), A.end(), 100);
// both the above lines are same
auto it2 = upper_bound(A.begin(), A.end(), 100);
// first the element strictly > 100 //123
for (auto x : A)
cout << x << " ";
// this x-- wont work here, cant change the value, if you want to change value and also iterate, use int &x not x.
// not using &x does change value but not of original vector, just for this printing purpose
return 0;
int main(){
// declaration
array<int, 4> a;
// assigning values
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
cin >> a[i];
// declaration and assigning value
array<int, 4> a = {1, 2, 3, 4};
// printing the array
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
cout << a[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
// print the array using auto keyword
for (auto i : a)
cout<< i;
// finding the size of the array
cout << a.size() << endl;
// accessing any element at given potion
cout << a[3] << " " << a.at(3) << endl;
// checking if the array is empty
cout << "Is array empty ? " << a.empty() << endl;
// excessing first and last element
cout << a.front() << " " << a.back() << endl;
return 0;
int main(){
list<int> ls;
// alternate syntax
list<int> lss = {1,2,3,4,5};
ls.push_back(2); //{2}
ls.emplace_back(4); //{2, 4}
ls.push_front(5); // {5, 2, 4} // this is not present in a vector
ls.emplace_front(3); //{3, 5, 2, 4} //
// First and last element of list
ls.splice(i,ls);//takes the whole list 'ls' and adds it at the iterator 'i' position mentioned
// Merging two SORTED lists into one
l1.merge(l2); // assume l1 and l2 as 2 lists, l2 gets appended to l1
cout<<"Merged List"<<endl;
// comparator function – It is a binary predicate which takes two values of the same type that of those contained in the list,
bool comparator(int first, int second){
return first < second;
list<int> list1 = { 1, 70, 80 };
list<int> list2 = { 2, 3, 4 };
// merge and sort
list1.merge(list2, comparator); // 1,2,3,4,70,80
// Print the list
for(auto it : list1){
cout<< it <<endl;
// Copy list
list<int> lis1={1,2,3,4,5,6};
list<int> lis2;
lis2.assign(lis1.begin(),lis1.end()); //copies lis1 to lis2
// Print list
cout<<"List element are : \n";
for(auto i=lis2.begin();i != lis2.end(); i++)
list<int> mylist;
list<int> :: iterator it1, it2;
for (int i = 1; i < 10; ++i)
mylist.push_back(i * 1);
it1 = it2 = mylist.begin();
advance (it2, 6); // Moves it2 6 steps ahead
list<int> l;
list<int>:: iterator i=l.begin();
//inserts the Elements just before the position of iterator
l.insert(i,20); // 20,10
cout<<"Elements after inserting"<<endl;
l.insert(i,5,25); // 20,10, 25,25,25,25,25
//The first Parameter is the position of the iterator,second is the count ...
//number of times you want to insert the element, third argument is the value
cout<<*i; // now i = 7, pointing to 7th index
//This means that insert all the Elements from start to end before the iterator 'i' position
//The start and stop (2nd and 3rd parameters can be varied).
//rest functions same as vector, does not auto sort elements.
//begin, end, rbegin, rend, clear, insert, size, swap
// Integer Stack
void stack_int()
stack<int> st;
st.push(1); // 1
st.push(2); // 2, 1
st.push(3); // 3, 2, 1
st.push(3); // 3, 3, 2, 1
st.emplace(5); // 5, 3,3,2,1
cout << st.top(); // cant use st[2] notation, 5
st.pop(); // 5
cout << st.top(); // 3
cout << st.size(); // 4
cout << st.empty() << endl; // empty or not
stack<int> st1, st2;
// String Stack
void stack_string()
stack<string> st;
// assigning value
// printing our stack
cout << "top element is " << st.top() << endl;
// size of stack
cout << "size of stack is " << st.size() << endl;
// stack is empty or not
cout << "Is the stack empty?" << st.empty() << endl;
// removing the top element
cout << "Now the top is " << st.top() << endl;
// printing the complete stack
// inserting new elements
int n = st.size();
cout << "The complete stack is ";
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
cout << st.top() << " ";
cout << endl;
int main()
// stack doesnt allow access to anything other than top.
// doesnot have iterators or begin or end. Just these functions.
// Using SET, we have unarranged list, and we want to do operations on it.
// In set, only unique elements are stored
// Implemented using BST
// Modification of elements is allowed
// Stores element in sorted order
// in a vector<vector>int> > matrix, matrix.size() gives size of row only.
using namespace std;
void set_func()
set<int> S;
S.insert(1); // duplicates are not stored, ignores it.
S.insert(2); // 1,2,5 [Set automatically arranges itself]
// automatically sorted in ascending order in logN time. You cannot insert element at your wished place.
// size of set
// access last element of the set
auto it = cows.end();
// largest element of a set
auto max = *cows.rbegin();
// Print
for (auto x : S)
cout << x << " "; // can use 'int' in place of auto.
cout << endl;
// printing the set, second way
set<int, greater<int>>::iterator itr;
for (itr = s.begin(); itr != s.end(); itr++)
cout << *itr << " ";
cout << endl;
// to save time from sorting the elements, we use set, which internally sorts the elements for us.
// as general sorting is NlogN, takes time.
auto it = S.find(2);
// now 'it' points to ele 2, if 2 is not present, it will point to S.end()
if (it == S.end())
cout << "Element not present " << endl;
// and it has value NULL, 0.
cout << "Element present is " << *it << endl;
auto it2 = S.lower_bound(1);
// gives iterartor to the first ele >= to number present in ()
// as Set is already sorted, we dont have to A.begin(), A.end()
cout << *it2 << endl;
auto it3 = S.upper_bound(1); // stricly first '>' ele after 1
cout << *it3 << endl;
// content in '()' need not be element, it can be any number we want to compare.
// if not bound is found, iterartor returns S.end();
// "count" function returns bool value in O(log n) time
int cnt = S.count(1);
// Counts occurance, 1 if present else 0.
S.clear(); // deletes everything
auto it = st.find(3);
// in logN time.
// Set is more powerful than vectors
// in constant time
S.erase(it1, it2)
// deletes in range from [it1, it2), last one is excluded
void unordered_set()
// Implemented using BST
// Modification of elements is allowed
// declaration
unordered_set<int> ust;
// inserting elements takes O(1) time
// printing the set
unordered_set<int>::iterator itr;
for (itr = ust.begin(); itr != ust.end(); itr++)
cout << *itr << " ";
cout << endl;
// finding any elements require O(1)
// "find" function returns the iterator in O(1)
cout << "Print 5 if present ";
cout << *ust.find(5) << endl;
// "count" function returns bool value in O(1) time
cout << "Is 9 present in the set? " << ust.count(9) << endl;
// deleting all elements in the set
cout << "Is the set empty? " << ust.empty() << endl;
cout << "Is the set empty now? " << ust.empty() << endl;
int32_t main()
// unordered_set();
return 0;
using namespace std;
int main()
multiset<int> ms;
int cnt = ms.count(1);
ms.erase(1); // eases all 1's
for (auto x : ms)
cout << x << endl;
cout << cnt;
ms.erase(ms.find(1)); // only a single 1 is erased that it finds first
ms.erase(ms.find(1), ms.find(1) + 2); // move iterator in a range to delete 1's.
// rest same as set, only it stores duplicate element too.
// lower_bound, upper_bound also available.
// stores in sorted way
unordered_set<int> us;
// upper_bound and lowe_bound do not work, rest same.
// collisions may happen, so you get wrong answers but else its faster.
// does not store in sorted way.
// O(1) avg case.
using namespace std;
void queue_func()
queue<int> q;
q.push(1); // 1
q.push(12); // 1, 12
q.emplace(4); // 1, 12, 4
q.back() += 5;
cout << q.back() << endl; // 9, adds 5 to last element of queue
q.pop(); // 12, 9, '1' gets deleted
cout << q.front(); // prints 12, NOT q.top()
// printing the entire queue
cout << "Printing the entire queue : ";
int n = q.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
cout << q.front() << " ";
cout << endl;
// size, swap empty same as stack
// queue, stack, dequeue are all containers.
// it works on max heap and min heap
// i.e. it stores values in sorted order either increasing or decreasing
void priority_queue_func()
priority_queue<int> pq; // Creates a max heap, decreaasing order
priority_queue<int, vector<int>, greater<int>> pq_min; // Creates a min heap, increasing order
pq.push(5); // 5
pq.push(2); // 5,2
pq.emplace(11); // 11,5,2
pq.push(8); // 11,8,5,2
cout << pq.top() << endl; // 11
pq.pop(); // 11 removed
cout << pq.top(); // 8
// size swap empty same as others
// uses properties of queue and stacks
// priority queue stores element in sorted fasion, descending
// Minimun Heap, to invert priority_queue funtion, and sort in ascending order.
priority_queue<int, vector<int>, greater<int>> pq1;
// greater<int> - reverses the fasion of storing the elements
pq1.push(5); // 5
pq1.push(2); // 2,5
pq1.push(8); // 2,5,8
pq1.emplace(10); // 2,5,8,10
// now elements are in Ascending order
cout << pq1.top(); // 2
// printing the (max heap)
cout << "Printing the maxi ";
int n = pq1.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
cout << pq1.top() << " ";
int main()
// queue_func();
return 0;
using namespace std;
// doubly ended queue
int main()
// declaration
deque<int> dq;
// assigning value
// we can enter value in doubly ended queue both from front and back
dq.push_front(3); //{3,1,2}
dq.emplace_front(3); //{3,3,1,2}
dq.pop_back(); // removes 2
dq.pop_front(); // removes front element 3
// printing the deque
for (auto i : dq)
cout << i << " ";
cout << endl;
// accessing the ith element from a deque
cout << dq[1] << " " << dq.at(1) << endl;
// get front and back elements
cout << "Front and back elements are ";
cout << dq.front() << " and " << dq.back() << endl;
// to check if our deques is empty or not;
cout << "Is the deque empty? " << dq.empty() << endl;
// first and last+1 iterators
cout << "First and last element using pointers" << endl
<< *dq.begin() << " " << *(dq.end() - 1) << endl;
// size of the deque
cout << "The size of deque is " << dq.size() << endl;
// deleting all elements of deque or selection of elements
dq.erase(dq.begin() + 2, dq.end());
// delete all
dq.erase(dq.begin(), dq.end());
cout << "\nAfter deleting all elements" << endl;
// has all vector functionalities inherited
// deque can access front elements directly.
return 0;
using namespace std;
int main()
pair<int, int> p1 = {2, 4};
cout << p1.first << " " << p1.second << endl;
pair<int, pair<int, int>> p2 = {3, {5, 6}};
cout << p2.first << " " << p2.second.first << endl;
pair<int, int> arr[] = {{1, 2}, {7, 8}};
cout << arr[1].second << endl;
// pairs can be applied anywhere, be it stacks, queues, etc
vector<pair<int, int>> v;
v.push_back({1, 2});
v.emplace_back(1, 2); // does not need { } to insert elements at end
pair<int, int> pair1, pair3; // creats pair of integers
pair<int, string> pair2; // creates pair of an integer an a string
pair1 = make_pair(1, 2); // insert 1 and 2 to the pair1
pair2 = make_pair(1, "Studytonight"); // insert 1 and "Studytonight" in pair2
pair3 = make_pair(2, 4);
cout << pair1.first << endl; // prints 1, 1 being 1st element of pair1
cout << pair2.second << endl; // prints Studytonight
if (pair1 == pair3)
cout << "Pairs are equal" << endl;
cout << "Pairs are not equal" << endl;
set<pair<int, int>> S1;
S1.insert({2, 4});
S1.insert({10, 20});
S1.insert({21, 100});
S1.insert({200, 400});
// A pair {a,b} is smaller than {c,d} iff (a<b) OR (a==b && c<d)
// These are non-overlapping pairs.
// pairs are also sorted automatically in a set.
int point = 411;
auto it4 = S1.upper_bound({point, INT_MAX});
if (it4 == S1.begin())
cout << "Out of range ";
return 0;
// as if it4 == begin(), we cant go any step back, eg - if point =1, it doesnt lie in any pair.
pair<int, int> current = *it4;
if (current.first <= point && current.second >= point)
cout << "Yes, we found the pair " << current.first << " " << current.second << endl;
cout << "Not found in given intervals. ";
// we use INT_MAX with pairs to compare them.
// we did it4 --, so that first after comparing 50's upper bound, iterator will point to
// {200,400} pair, then we come 1 step back to our required pair.
// The values in pair X = {a,b} can be accessed using X.first and X.second.
// Map is like a dictionary which holds data in key,value pairs
using namespace std;
int32_t main()
map<int, int> M; // {key, value}
M[1] = 30;
M[10] = 300000;
M[9090] = 8;
// each of these mapping take logN time
// add(key,value) and erase(key,value) takes (logN) for ordered map, and (1) for unordered map.
// We can map something to somthing in logN time, also for find and erase.
map<char, int> cnt;
// mapping char to int.
string x = "Zriyansh aK";
for (char c : x)
// building this takes time proportional to length
// gives count of each occuring char in string x
cout << cnt['a'] << " " << cnt['z'] << endl;
// OUTPUT, 2 0 - as 'a' occurs 2 times, 'z' none.
map<char, int> M1;
unordered_map<char, int> U1; // best (1), worst - (N)
string s = " Zizriyansh Bhai ";
for (char x : s)
M1[x]++; // NlogN time, N is length of string for map
for (char x : s)
U1[x]++; // logN time for unordered MAP
cout << M1['a'] << " " << endl;
cout << U1['z'] << " " << endl;
// count of a and z in string s
map<int, pair<int, int>> m;
map<pair<int, int>, int> m1;
m[1] = 2;
m.insert({3, 1});
m.emplace({2, 1});
// {
// {1,2},
// {2,1},
// {3,1}
// }
// In this fashion, maps are stored.
for (auto x : m)
cout << x.first << " " << x.second << endl;
cout << m[1]; // value can be accessed.
auto it = m.find(3);
cout << *it.second;
// Set is subset of Map.
// map stores everything in sorted manner
// map is sorted acc to keys.
// erase, swap, size, empty bounds are same.
unordered_map<string, double> umap;
// inserting values by using [] operator
umap["PI"] = 3.14;
umap["root2"] = 1.414;
umap["root3"] = 1.732;
umap["log10"] = 2.302;
umap["loge"] = 1.0;
// inserting value by insert function
umap.insert(make_pair("e", 2.718));
cout << umap["PI"] << endl; // 3.14
cout << umap.at("PI") << endl; // 3.14
// if you try to access a value for a key that doesn't exist,
// a new value object that has been default constructed will be put into the map and it's reference returned.
cout << umap["NA"] << endl; // 0
// now NA is present in umap with value 0
cout << endl;
// find an element
if (umap.find("na") == umap.end())
cout << "Key not found\n";
cout << "Key Found\n";
cout << endl;
// Traversing an unordered map
for (auto i : umap)
cout << "key = " << i.first << " and its value = " << i.second << endl;
map<string, string> companies;
companies["Google"] = "Larry Page";
companies["Facebook"] = "Mark Zuckerberg";
// insertion can also be done as
companies.insert(pair<string, string>("Xarvis Tech", "xarvis"));
// or
companies.insert(map<string, string>::value_type("Quora", "Adam D'Angelo"));
// or even
companies.insert(make_pair(string("Uber"), string("Travis Kalanick")));
// Iterating the map
map<string, string>::iterator itz;
cout << "\nCompanies and founders" << endl;
for (itz = companies.begin(); itz != companies.end(); itz++)
cout << "Company: " << (*itz).first << "\t Founder: " << itz->second << endl;
itz = companies.find("Google");
cout << itz->second;
// same as map, but can store duplicate values as well, sorted.
//[] Operator cannot be used to insert values.
//count() returns the number of times the key has appeared unlike map where count() returns either 0 or 1.
// does not store in sorted manner, takes O(1), collision might happen
return 0;
bool comp(pair<int, int> p1, pair<int, int> p2)
if (p1.second < p2.second)
return true;
else if (p1.second == p2.second)
if (p1.first > p2.second)
return true;
return false;
// this is a comparator function
using namespace std;
int32_t main()
sort(a, a + n); // [first, last) ascending order
sort(a, a + n, greater<int>); // descending order, using comparator as used in PQ
// sort a pair in asc acc to 2nd value in a pair, if same, soft them in desc acc to 1st value in pair
pair<int, int> a[] = {{1, 2}, {2, 1}, {4, 1}};
sort(a, a + n, comp); // comparator
int num = 7; /// binary = 111
int cnt = __builtin_popcount(); // counts set bits in its binary form, counts 1
long long num1 = 123234234; /// binary = 111
int cnt = __builtin_popcountll(); // works only for integers
string s = "123";
cout << s << endl;
} while (next_permutation(s.begin(), s.end())); // checks for true or false
// 123
// 132
// 213
// 231
// 312
// 321
// find the next permutation to 213
// next_permutation works for arrays, vectors, list, etc
// applying next_permutation (a, a+n) will give next permutation.
int max = *max_element(a, a + n); // find max eement in entire array
// memeset() - Used to initialize an array to either 0 or -1. Works on any dimentional array
int arr[5];
memset(arr, 0, sizeof(arr)); // {0,0,0,0,0}
memset(arr, -1, sizeof(arr)); // {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}
char str[] = "cpp";
memset(str, 'd', sizeof(str)); // ddd
int arr2[3][3];
memset(arr2, -1, sizeof(arr2));
// -1 -1 -1
// -1 -1 -1
// -1 -1 -1
// Sorting user-defined objects
static struct Person persons[] = {p1, p2, p3};
sort(persons, persons + 3, compare_names);
// This will printout the names in alphabetical order
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
cout << persons[i].name << " ";
// These are various comparator functions
struct is_older
bool operator()(struct Person p1, struct Person p2)
return p1.age > p2.age;
bool compare_names(struct Person p1, struct Person p2)
return p1.name < p2.name;
bool way_to_sort(int i, int j) { return i > j; }
int x = __gcd(a, b)
for e.g — 'set' STL, has its internal implementation(what it’s coded with) using a Red-Black Tree.
stack — Array, List, Deque.
vector — Dynamic Array
list — Dynamic Array and Doubly Linked List
pair — defined in header file
queue — Array, List
deque — Dynamic Array
priority_queue — Heap
set — Red-Black Tree
multiset — Binary Search Tree
unordered set — Hash Table
map — Red Black Self-Balancing BST, Hash Table,
multimap — Red Black Tree
unordered map(4x faster than the map) — Hash Table
sort() — uses IntroSort(a hybrid of Quicksort, Heapsort, and Insertion Sort), Faster than qsort().
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <stack>
#include <queue>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <list>
Or simply use
Further reading