Version 1.1
- Applied a patch where save warping in Argorok or Fyrus' Boss room places you outside the room.
- Added more items to the Starting Items list.
- Changed the "Shuffle Poes" checkbox to a dropdown menu to allow for more options when shuffling Poes:
-- Overworld: Only Poes in the Overworld will be shuffled
-- Dungeon: Only Poes in Dungeons will be shuffled.
-- All: All Poes are shuffled. - Added a new setting called "Item Scarcity" that has the following options:
-- Vanilla: There are no changes to the item pool
-- Minimal: Unrequired items such as Heart Pieces, Heart Containers, Hawkeye, etc. are removed from the item pool and only the minimum required important items are kept. (Example: If the seed requires a bomb bag, then there will be only one bomb bag in the item pool. Or if Palace is not required, there will only be 3 Swords in the pool.)
-- Plentiful: One extra copy of major items added to the item pool (Example: There are 5 swords, 4 Bows, etc. in the pool). There are 17 heart containers in the pool (no heart pieces) and extra keys are added if key settings are set to "Keysanity" or "Any Dungeon" - Added a new setting called "Damage Multiplier" that has the following options:
-- Vanilla: Link takes normal damage.
-- Double: Link takes x2 damage.
-- Triple: Link takes x3 damage.
-- Quadruple: Link takes x4 damage.
-- OHKO (One-Hit KO): Link will instantly die if he takes any damage. - Ammunition and refills now appear as blue rupees if the player is not able to use them. (Example: If the player does not have the Bow, then instead of getting an arrow refill from a check, they would instead get a Blue Rupee).
- Added a patch so that Ooccoo cannot be used in the Sacred Grove Temple of Time or the Temple of Time Entrance to prevent a softlock.
- Added the functionality so that the Lantern Oil meter color matches the Lantern light color.
- Added a new setting called "Bonks Do Damage" where Link/Wolf takes damage if they "bonk" (roll/headbutt) against a wall. The base damage is 1/4 Heart for Link and 1/2 Heart for Wolf Link and does stack with the Damage Multiplier setting.
-- Logic has been updated to account for situations where bonking and a damage multiplier could kill link and adjusts accordingly. (Example: if Damage Multiplier is set to OHKO and Bonks Do Damage is enabled, logically the randomizer expects two bottled fairies to be able to get the check. Finally, a use for bottles.) - Added a new setting called "Dungeon Rewards Can Be Anywhere". When enabled, Fused Shadows and Mirror Shards can be placed anywhere in the world, not just at the end of a dungeon.
- Fixed an issue with the Randomizer improperly detecting incompatible seeds as compatible.
The following specific logic changes have been made:
Glitched and Glitchless:
Snowpeak Summit -> Snowpeak Ruins logically requires a bottled fairy if Bonks Do Damage and Damage Multiplier is set to OHKO
The Poe outside Snowpeak Ruins also logically requires a bottled fairy for the same reason.
The Ordon Shield check requires two bottled fairies to get the check if Bonks Do Damage and Damage Multiplier is set to OKHO since you have to Bonk against the wall twice.