Point of sales app, build with Lumen micro-framework.
live preview
- frontend https://rupiah-id.herokuapp.com
- backend https://penjualanapp-api.herokuapp.com
- Validation
- JWT Authentication
- Models with proper relationships
- API Response with Fractal
- Pagination
- Seeding Database
- Error Handling
- CORS Support
- Endpoint Tests and Unit Tests
- Postman Collection
- RESTful routing
- Filter data
- Custom respond function
- PostgreSQL Database
- PostgreSQL
- PDO Driver PGSQL
- PHP >=7.2
- Composer
- Apache service
- Postman
git clone https://github.com/zuams/api-rupiah.id.git
cd api-rupiah.id
cp .env.example .env
composer install
- Since Lumen doesn't have the php artisan key:generate command, there's a custom route http://localhost:8000/key to help you generate an application key. Copy key to
php artisan jwt:secret
and Set to yourJWT_SECRET
- Copy your API KEY Rajaongkir to
- Set your PostgreSQL connection details
php artisan migrate --seed
php -S localhost:8000 -t public
- Postman collection link https://www.getpostman.com/collections/002a7a8f9d37d4e1ecb8
The Lumen framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.