All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Support of UnitEnum and BackedEnum deserialization (PHP > 8.1). Thanks @marcimat
- Support to multiple closure serializers
- Built in closure serializer using opis/closure
- Fixed deprecated with DateTimeImmutable deserialization with PHP 8.2
- Fixed DateTime & DateTimeImmutable serialization in PHP 7.4+. Thanks @przemyslaw-bogusz
- Testing for PHP 7.3 and 7.4
- Minimum PHP version supported is now 7.0
- Updated PHPUnit version to 6.x
- Deprecated namespace
- Allowing to change the undeclared property unserialization mode
- Throwing exception if cannot encode JSON when serializing
- Throwing exception if cannot decode JSON when unserializing
- Changed namespace from
- Fixing float serialization on i18n locales
- Support PHP closures serialization
- Dropped support to PHP 5.3
- Documentation improvements
- Support to PHP built-in support to float numbers without decimal points
- Using PSR-2 and PSR-4
- Support to DateTime serialization
- Support to unescaped unicode
- Fixed serialization of float numbers without decimal points
- Encode/Decode of scalar, null, array
- Encode/Decode of objects
- Support nested serialization
- Support not declared properties on the original class definition (ie, properties in stdClass)
- Support object recursion