KumuluzEE Swagger extension provides powerful tools to incorporate the Swagger Specification to your microservice.
KumuluzEE Swagger extension provides support for documenting APIs using Swagger/OpenAPI v2 compliant annotations. Extension automatically hooks-up servlet that
exposes API specification on endpoint /api-specs/<jax-rs application-base-path>/swagger.[json|yaml]
. Extension also provides SwaggerUI which is added to your project
to visualize API documentation and allow API consumers to interact with API endpoints.
More details: Swagger Specification.
You can enable the KumuluzEE Swagger support by adding the following dependency:
When kumuluzee-swagger dependnecy is included in the project, you can start documenting your REST API using Swagger-Core Annotations.
@SwaggerDefinition(info = @Info(title = "CustomersAPI", version = "v1.0.0"), host = "localhost:8080")
public class CustomerApplication extends Application { ... }
public class CustomerResource {
@ApiOperation(value = "Get customers list", tags = {"customers"}, notes = "Returns a list of customers.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(message = "List of customers", code = 200, response = Customer.class)})
public Response getCustomers() {
List<Customer> customers = new ArrayList<>();
Customer c = new Customer("1", "John", "Doe");
return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).entity(customers).build();
Build and run project using:
mvn clean package
java -jar target/${project.build.finalName}.jar
After startup API specification will be available at:
To serve API specification in visual form and to allow API consumers to interact with API resources you can add Swagger-UI by setting includeSwaggerUI to true in kumuluzee-maven-plugin configuration.
After startup Swagger-UI is available at: http://localhost:8080/api-specs/ui (for all APIs).
By default Swagger-UI will not be added to application.
If your microservice contains multiple JAX-RS Applications, e.g. two versions of API, you have to privde some additional configuration for Swagger.
First, resources that belong to specific JAX-RS Application must be defined in getClasses()
public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() {
Set<Class<?>> classes = new HashSet<>();
return classes;
and second, you have to provide list of packages to Swagger-UI for each JAX-RS Application by providing apiSpecifications in configuration of kumuluzee-maven-plugin:
Multiple JAX-RS applications in singe JAR only work without CDI.
Recent changes can be viewed on Github on the Releases Page
See the contributing docs
When submitting an issue, please follow the guidelines.
When submitting a bugfix, write a test that exposes the bug and fails before applying your fix. Submit the test alongside the fix.
When submitting a new feature, add tests that cover the feature.