Nothing here Yet... This is for our future project where we will try make a good universal Framework for RW modding.
It will include comps and modextensions we already use across our mods by this we will be able to reuse comps across our mods. to save work "duplicating" same comps in each mod. but also offer our less talented xml modders (me) some nice C# stuff to play with.
This is a great way to make modding easier for new ppl and give access to great extra that isnt in vanilla rw, and without need to rely on other mods as dependencies. and only have this one.
This is mainly made for modders in our team, but anyone is free to use it in their mods too. Just add this mod as dependency in your mod and DON'T! copy it in your assemblies folder, as you will have to constantly update it everytime we do. else it may cause conflict for players.
If you wanna contribute to this framework, feel free to add to it, or inprove or fix already added stuff. if you wanna use it in your mod feel free to give us a headsup =)
If you need further help, you can join our discord:
- Nobo
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