- The .Net Standard 2.0 Axe Driver implementation for Selenium.
- The .Net Core 2.2 Tester to run the Accessibility Driver.
Please take a few minutes to review the overview below before diving into the code.
For api documentation, please refer to here. For examples of usages, please refer to the article section.
Each Accessibility Implemntation must have the following two methods:
void CaptureResult(string providedPageTitle);
void LogResults(string folderLocation);
Takes in a Selenium WebDriver and analyzes according to AODA. It will generate in a zip file 2 csv files for the result data, a json file and a WATR Report.
The currently used template is the WATR_Template.xlsx. The program will add information to the template as needed.
Version number are labed as MAJOR.MINOR.dailyBuild.buildTime
Major changes are when new classes are added, except helper classes, or when a large change is made to the code such as a large functionality change.
Minor changes are when methods are added/removed or a helper class is added.